[color=white]Hey, we missed you too, Starman! Stay around a while, and tell us what you've been up to!
I plan on coming around a lot more now! I've been very busy getting my life back on track with a new job, going to college, and a lot of other things. I really did miss you guys, and I'm glad to see that this site is still going pretty strong.
On a side note --- is the chat room here gone now?
cigarette taxes was invoked and raised because of the health risks to non-smokers. they not only increased the taxes on all cigarette products but smokeless tobacco as well , but they left the tax set at .25 cent on cigars and pipe tobacco as well. now if the tax that was set on cigarettes was to benefit the non-smokers then why not tax cigars as well as pipe tobacco.
Now i could be wrong but i am sure that non-smokers are effected more from cigar and pipe smoke than they are from spit from smokeless tobacco. i know i have never heard of anyone getting mouth cancer from smokeless tobacco unless they used it.
these taxes that they placed on cigarettes is nothing other than a way for the government to control everyone in the country. and it goes to prove that congress as well as the president pass laws that benefit themselves without care of what is best for the country.
i wonder when will everyone in the country say enough is enough. do your job in Washington or get the heck out. we are tired of you passing laws that hurt the country and puts money in your pocket, do as we want or you will be fired. of course that will not happen because we all want to complain about the problems and look the other way when it starts.
I wonder how many people know that congress is the only entity in the world that has a automatic raise yearly and the only way they do not get it is to vote not to take the raise. Again a law that helps them only and not the rest of the country. honestly if you are going to pass that sort of law then should it not be fore everyone? does not the cost of living go up for everyone? why when that law was passed was it not for everyone? BECAUSE THEY ARE THERE FOR THEMSELVES.
Putting up out Xmas tree when our older kids get home from school
We have our tradition of putting it up on the 1st but I had to work a 12 hour day shift yesterday.
The only reason I play Max Damage is for that level 46, -White-Wolf-. Congrats on getting almost Max Points! (You missed two boxes, haha!) The best I have ever done on that game is 18,088. I've tried many times to hit that 20K line, but always just miss, somehow. Perhaps one day...
-White-Wolf- wrote:
Putting up out Xmas tree when our older kids get home from school
We have our tradition of putting it up on the 1st but I had to work a 12 hour day shift yesterday.
When do you put yours up?...
We will put our tree up sometime between now and Christmas day!
so wife woke me up about a week ago told me if her and her sister can get a laptop i could have the big screen TV i wanted.
now i may just be paranoid but i think i have been had wife is sitting in our bedroom playing Arcade boss on her new laptop and watching my big screen TV.
now i may just be paranoid but i think i have been had wife is sitting in our bedroom playing Arcade boss on her new laptop and watching my big screen TV.
lol, you have my sympathies, carltonx, but I have to give big respect to your wife! She is obviously an intelligent negotiator *and* an AB fan. That is so cool!