Yes, I agree Lalin Why do this ? OK so you can play but, the game is not finished and the maker of the game even knows this which just is dumb in my opinion to have a flawed game like this and this kind of ruins the game too Why not fix it so one can play it the way it should be played Well I hope their big sequel is not like this. _________________
yes, should be interesting to see the next sequel.
This reminds other game has not end of the game
House of Lost Souls - This is one of my favorite games, could be an excellent game I hope Arcadeboss see it and add some end of game, or remake the game at less have some exit door as Mario Ghosthouse, in fact i spent so much time looking for some exit door, but nothing, this issue ruins the game.
I agree with Lalin House of the Lost Souls is a great game very well done but, let down by the fact there is no exit door. I would love to see ArcadeBoss fix this as this game should have an ending. _________________
Some videos have short instructions to get the glitch, no always Works as that, and others i don´t know how Works, really this game is the most glitched that i have seen. I am sure someone have gotten one, i hope according the instructions could avoid many of them, or repeat to be curious, many of them are freeze, i advice reload the game again. _________________
Next Video is Mario Bubble Bobble
In this case i got double wrong glitch
1) There is a big BUG in the game, when you COMPLETE THE GAME, then THERE ISN´T SOME KEY BUTTON TO SUBMIT SCORE. This ruins the game becuase you ends the game and or sorprise can´t submit score.
MY BEST ADVICE is dead before the comlete the game to SUBMIT SCORE.
2) Some times happen, i don´t know how works but there is a glitch in the last level, when you kill all the enemies and sudenly no appear more enenies and no finish the level, only must to wait to ends the timer to die and submit score, there isn´t other way.
With the Collaboration and help from rogbow together we discovered 3 BUGS in this game. I believe this is bad programming by the maker of the game. Here I will show you how to fix all the BUGS.
1) When retry does not appear or you can not submit your score
BUG: Sometimes when you play certain dungeons (In ENDLESS DUNGEON) then the RETRY STAGE to play another dungeon does not appear and it is not possible to submit your score, this is wrong. Here is the video about the bug
SOLUTION: only refresh the game with F5, and continue then will appear "Retry Stage" to play again, and submit score fine.
2) Wrong Dungeon and how to save your last position
BUG: When you are exploring dungeons and want to enter a dungeon sometimes the wrong dungeon appears. This is not correct because all dungeons are different. Here is the video about the bug.
There are 5 bosses with their own areas each with their own difficulties-
Area 1, Enemies difficult 1, Boss 1
Area 2, Enemies difficult 2, Boss 2
Area 3, Enemies difficult 3, Boss 3
Area 4, Enemies difficult 4, Boss 4
Area 5, Enemies difficult 5, Boss 5
For example
If you are playing in area 1, then change to area 5, then you will play in area 5 but the enemies are in difficult 1 and boss 1, this complicate to play correctly and beat the game and/or submit score.
SOLUTION: Double Click in current dungeon = Save your last possition
same example, if you are playing in area 1, then change to area 5, then in the next dungeon must to select with DOUBLE CLICK, this mean save your last position and then you will play correctly in the area 5 with enemies difficult 5, and boss 5.
3) When you have infinite XP, how to be able to submit your score.
BUG: When playing allot in ENDLESS DUNGEON you will get infinite XP'S which makes it impossible to die and or submit your score.
SOLUTIONS: to submit score there are 2 ways
Beating all the game = as i show many ways to beat all the game you can to see in my videos here
How to die quickly with the last boss.
Next Video is The Last Fight
It game has a glitch, where is possible to get infinite lives.
How Works the glitch:
It ONLY works when you have the last live (X 1), .... and when you fall from the precipice, then the game continue and go to X 0 lives then die and it is increase to X 1 lives, and the next is X 2 and etc. it is possible after level 3, or more. (any level where is possible to fall)
Infinite lives
Insane score run to infinite too
easy game to beat
Disadvantages (Be careful if you decide/accidental happen)
If you beat the game, then NO SUBMIT SCORE.
Well i am sharing this glitch because it only help to know the game (practice) and let you to beat the game with infinite lives, but can´t submit score, no help and there isn´t solution so you must be careful avoiding this glitch if you want submit score.
Next Video is B29 Assault - Score bug Zero - 0 points
About the Bug
In this game some times for some wrong reason (maybe bad programation) then suddenly happen the score go to zero, i don´t know what is the reason, but i have seen it happened some times when plays this game, really frustating when gets it.