Sounds very SF to me, I think scientists are forced to give out this kind of big promises to try to attract more funding and to make their bosses smiling. I could be wrong but this kind of virtual reality in a contact lens seems more like 2054 than 2014 to me...
I can't imagine agents planning a sting operation to take down some random dude who hosted sites "that linked to other websites that hosted pirated telecasts" - he linked to them but didn't host them? I bet he gets 20 years in jail and Hollywood big shots feel warm and fuzzy because of that.
Having been absent for a long time myself I am unsure how long you've been away Starman, but it is nice to see you here. Competing would not be the same, that is for sure. Hoping things work out, gamers always find the way.
Today I looked up the expected, unofficial specs for iPad 3, due to launch in a few monts. I was amazed. If half of it is true, Apple is pushing the boundry as hard as it possibly can.
They are keeping the size of the device and the screen, but it will have insane resolution of 2048x1536 pixels (iPad2 had 1024x768)! They are going for pixels so small they will not be distinguishable by naked eye.
Already long lasting battery life will be boosted to a new level, there are also rumors of wireless charging technology, but I am not believing that one until I see it.
That is brilliant, I did not even hear that this thing happened. It is quite an accomplishment by Iranians to grab that drone. Selling it as a toy is both a good business idea as a cool public stunt.
Too bad Iran is next country to get bombed by the US, I still hope it does not come to that.
My suggestion that I think I posted a long time ago was to limit the type and number of games eligible for cash prizes. That would make sense if only certain types of games are being misused. Or maybe spread the cash even more across the board, so it makes less sense to cheat?
Thank you WW, you are correct, tried from Google Chrome yesterday for 3 times and it failed 100%, tested out now in FF and it worked immediately. Knowing "little" things like this is so important...
Thanks for the tip garyoak99, that is a fun game, good find there! I tried searching for any similar games before, but they all seemed experimental and unplayable.
As for going or staying, I am really not sure, I may drop by now and then, but there is nothing wrong with that - is there?
My job requires that I am in front of the computer for the most of my work hours, and I try to spend less of my free time doing the same.