| Duck Hunt
See full instructions inside Duck Hunt arcade game.
Play Duck Hunt Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 31,685 Plays    4.0 (17 Votes)
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Recent play by blackadder.
Comments about Duck Hunt:
Is that Daffy Duck? tdickensheets
great games.. miss the old days of
playing this on Nintendo piratelady
Ahhhh...The old days of
Slightly boring now
tho..........but still fun!!!! stonedferret
fun moemories of Duck Hunt. The point
snd click is not the same but fun
nonetheless...huigh score 15M...never
for me :) rtkiii
This was a game that united people. No
matter where you came from, what you
believed in, what color your skin was,
how old you were...EVERYONE HATED THAT
Good game - like a different version of
doomed duck.
Got to round 60 + got
bored lol neeraffa
Fun game its got a real retro feeling to
it i liked it.played to 500k with out
missing one.overly easy. DGG
I am the Duck Hunter! I just gotta go
tinkle. nowurmessingwith
I got 4th place the first time I played!
I'm pretty proud of that seeing as I
haven't played Duck Hunt in YEARS! I
remember playing Duck Hunt & having
so much fun, a true classic! nicole09
This is a retro game that you can really
sink your teeth into. It is fun and
those ducks fly some challenging
patterns. Just when you think you got em
"fly away" and off they go. nowurmessingwith
I love these old retro video games I
could play them all day if I didnt have
other stuff to go and do. nowurmessingwith
This is a great retro game. I remember
playing Duck Hunt for hours in arcades
and on nintendo back when I was a
teenager. It really takes me back!!!!! nowurmessingwith
Truly retro! Great fun. nowurmessingwith