| Doomed Duck
See full instructions inside Doomed Duck arcade game.
Play Doomed Duck Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 15,222 Plays   2.8 (19 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by bidc.
Comments about Doomed Duck:
I don't know how anybody else feels
about this but that duck is meaner than
I don't know what. It not only attacked
my dog and gave him a butt womping it
attacked me! I just about peed my
pants. GinnyBoyd
mouse not easy to control Feegee
wahoo :-D Feegee
I agree with amoneymaker....Doomed Duck
sucks bad!! Stubyone
its eazy but got some bugs ToXiK
You gotta learn how to play, And when
the guys pop up after you kill a duck,
you click his briefcase for health and
bullets. =) Once I figured that
out.......well check the All Time Score
they need to get the real duck hunt on
here!! im way better at that darkangel20
dang Doomed Duck is not very good but ok drewguy7
I think there is something wrong with
the hitboxes in Doomed Duck but it's an
interesting twist on the Nintendo
classic. It doesn't feel THAT bad
though. garyoak99
I rated Doomed Duck at a 1 because it is
terrible. You hit the duck and he
doesn't die. i have tried everything and
well Doomed Duck sucks. It is the worst
duck game on this site
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 amoneymaker
Its easy if you kill it fast. greenfire309