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 Raiden X 
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Raiden X

Raiden X is one of the most popular online shooter games ever! In Raiden X you pilot an advanced ship, but you must collect powerups along the way to increase your firepower. Arrow Keys to Move, Z to Fire and X to Bomb.

If you like Raiden X be sure to play the whole series:

Raiden 2s Part A - Raiden 2s Part B - Raiden X

Play Raiden X Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
103,641 Plays   4.6 (43 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: 45,610
All-Time Highscore: 20,207,702,950

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Recent play by LalinGouki.


Comments about Raiden X:

This is a cool ass game! 5 stars all the way! I'm gonna have to get that monthly score though.jigadre

Raiden RulesTUFFMAN

Almost like I remember the game being like. Still like it though.PIX

Destroyer .... There is no secret or trick to Raiden X, yes like you said 'there is a save function' and yes this game get's faster and harder the more times you go through it, but that's how to do it.There are way's to improve your bonus, and if i can add any advice ... i use the BLUE powerup, kill's the enimies the fastest ( purple is easier but not faster ) i pretty much go through all 8 level's over and over again using BLUE and missle's ( not homing ) with those two i fly through the bosses real quick, but it's alot harder.If your not so good i would use PURPLE and homing missile's.Next advice... every consecitive time you pass all 8 level's you get an extra million, SO... 1st time through 1M, 2nd time through 2M, 20th time through ... 20 million!! Good luck, hope my advice help's.Great game this, very well made 5*'s-White-Wolf-

I wonder what the secret is to this game. I don't know how people are getting such high scores. I know you can save your game but after you beat the game the other levels are way too hard to reach such high scores!!! Can anyone help me out?Destroyer

awesome game! going to get my title back since my computer crashedChris24


Raiden X is so much fun! XDParker12345678910

this is a very beautiful shooting game with awesome weapons! Kind of long though!

this is a truly awesome gamePR!NC3*B@RB!3

Well that took longer than I anticipated...Mission 138...Maxmaxbaca1

yae i think thoes high scores are a lil weird but hey congrats fun game deff +Mxz18

yup lol that high score is definately fishy lol . I love this one.. like galaga but better lol. havent gotten too far yet but will once i can either change the arroww keys in the control panel somehow or lol buy a new laptop lol JK. the speed is good too... some of these i can barely keep my eyes straight they r going so fast. ..good luck allroseanne01

lol this is a challenging gameArcadeX

Raiden X is fun i got 1st placeh

is tha website even real as far as friends and shytlakers09

It's prety challengin but it's not a bad game try itOrly315

2 hours into the game 3 million+ points and wouldnt you know i get the following. There was a problem with this score. Error Codes: (raidenx,Raiden2V32PC) How in the hell can someone get 11,057,594,160 1 hr 19 min 2 sec something fishy with that score.Lonny

I got high score again...!!!!!!lito1942

What 's going on? I have the High score...!!! I have to star from the begining??????lito1942

Raiden is wild and col and tons of fun. I especially like it when you get to the end and it says OMG You rule! Then it gives you the option to end the game or to keep playing from the beginning to increase your score. I like that a lot!nowurmessingwith

This game is great! It is fun and adventurous and it gives you the chance to.....Shoot em up!nowurmessingwith

Can't stop playing.....!!!!!! ")lito1942

whats up with 1st place for da monththe young one

Great game....!!!!lito1942

i used to play this on nintendo !!!gnome

Pretty cool game...Reminds me of 1942...Pretty funjohn9571

man Raiden X here is kickass..... made it to 9th placeoutlaw16151

i got 1094210 points 8) and i dont know how i got 4th place :(Black Hawk

i got it again 4th place again 8)Black Hawk

this is the coolest game ever oh hi unknownboy we are brothers :)Black Hawk


trying to be the bestbustaboy

Raiden 2s Part A
Raiden 2s Part A
Raiden 2s Part B
Raiden 2s Part B

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