| Raiden 2s Part B
Raiden 2s Part A is a popular game in the Raiden Series!
Jump right into an epic battle with a Raiden Boss. Good luck.
Arrow Keys to Move, CTRL to Fire and SPACE to Bomb.
Be sure to play Raiden X and the whole series:
Raiden 2s Part A -
Raiden 2s Part B -
Raiden X
Play Raiden 2s Part B Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 45,361 Plays  2.4 (24 Votes)
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Recent play by LalinGouki.
Comments about Raiden 2s Part B:
to survive the first fight you have to
dodge the blue lasers he shoots which
will kill you automatically it seems Tenchithepimp
Holy hell lol, I think I should consider
myself lucky that I got the score I got SouthP
I won gold medal # 49 on Raiden 2s Part B. It's
tough but I figured out how to get 1
million points. Collect as many of the
purple power ups as you possibly can
because that works the best and once you
have it upgraded all the way and you
collect another one, you get 80,000
bonus points. Destroyer
Im usually not one to
complain, but dude, seriously!? A boss
in the beginning of the game? That just
makes no sense. You could have at least
gave people a chance to level up thier
Sry dude, this is a FAIL.
Complete waste of time cboy4001
who in the world thought that it was a
good idea to make a SUPER hard boss in
the beggining of the freaking game? 1* waterwillow8
Stupidest shooting game ever! I had the
best ammo and everything and I still get
killed by the 2nd boss. They just simply
have too many bullets and missles to
shoot at you. You can have the best
dodging skills in the world and still
have a HARD TIME beating that boss. It's
pointless. Destroyer
WORST GAME EVER! this takes the cake
right here. who makes a game and makes
you face a hard boss 1st,ok so i beat
him right had minimum health left,took
like two bullets to kill me,REALLY!!wow
avoiding this with pleasure.Rated 1* DGG
The important point is that you must
avoid being killed by the initial boss
(watch out for his laser beams). Right
after he disappears, there are power ups
and more importantly, a fairy that
replenishes your health. You are then on
your way to a nice shooting game. epepepp
hell yea Nightcrawler12388
Im realy into shmups, and rarely find
one i do not like at all, but this one i
do not like. The other raiden games are
good, but i hate how this one starts you
off with an extremely hard boss, that is
frustratingly hard. Also, even if you
beat him, it is hard to get very far
past that. Overall, i found Raiden 2s Part B to
be a bore. 2/10 pathlion
the other ship has too much fire power.
Raiden 2s Part B too me for me may try some
other time. rochelle
i figured how to submit my score
ggggggggaaaaaaaaaaammmeeeeeeeee... Hasnain
when i beat the boss of part a and go
further after i am destroyed i cant
submit my score it does not give the
option of submit but only play again. Hasnain
hated it the young one
Who asked Zookeeperz about space
shoot'em ups? ;) garyoak99
Impossible game. Waste of time . zookeeperz