Tags: card solitaire
| Free Cell
Play Free Cell Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 162,912 Plays 4.3 (28 Votes)
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None this month
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None yet
Recent play by DonnaJackson.
Comments about Free Cell:
I live this version. Some versions
allow you to win all the time and this
one seems to have a good ratio of wins
to losses.RollickyRuth
I like the game but as others have
mentioned, it dies seem to have some
bugs. I still enjoy playing it though.
It is quick and you don't have to go
through multiple boards to get to the
end of it.dragonslayer
fun time wasterorpac
Good game. I'd call it Speed Free Cell-
if you want to get a high score, that
is. I also found that glitch where it
ends the game even though you can still
It is very clasic but very diferentarekbos
This game has a bug. I have diamond 3 in
one cell and diamond 2 in one
foundation, though no other free space
is available. And guess what, I was told
that the game is over!epepepp
love Free Cell...even when it stumps mestaffidog
I've seen some crappy versions of this
game around, but THIS one is real nice.
A classy program. :-)Eagle_Kiwi