| Yeti Sports - Snowboard Freeride
See full instructions inside Yeti Sports - Snowboard Freeride arcade game.
Play Yeti Sports - Snowboard Freeride Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 24,612 Plays    4.0 (23 Votes)
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Recent play by akeo.
Comments about Yeti Sports - Snowboard Freeride:
im a big fan of these games,they are
always fun and worth a play,I will be
back since my first try score sucked reganz
I still have to practice a lot...a lousy
3995 points is all the best I can do at
this moment ! Bomber
Although others say to hit the
penguins....I try to avoid them. If you
hit too many, getting in the top 3 is
rather hard and that 2000-2500 is
necessary for a good score Greenfox
I'm usually pretty good at these Yeti
games but I suck at this one. There must
be something that I'm not doing right. Destroyer
Very good game,one of Chris's better
yeti games in my view.Simple addictive
game,basic strategy is get to the bottom
1st,hit as many penguins and score as
many big jumps as possible,i scored 6667
with a few goes.Fun game. DGG
I <3 all the Yeti Sports Games XD DarkMaul3r
TIP:hit the penguins and there heads
will go into the snow and they will not
be able to race wer-hog
its kinda hard to get to first place
when the goets and the snow eaegs are
there its slows you down when you at
full speed but it dose give you points
when you spin and flip on themits kinda
easy kinda hard but its fun coolkevin
I don't know if I would call it a FREE
ride though I can see the snowboard
portion of it just fine! garyoak99