| Flash Mario
You've got only one Mario, better make it count!
Play Flash Mario Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 319,306 Plays   3.3 (34 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by PSG 72.
Comments about Flash Mario:
oh dear addictive :-D Feegee
played once seems ok machinist06
:-D Feegee
oooh my highest score for the month iand
it has only just begun :-D Feegee
:-D lol wish the screen was bigger Feegee
yeeehaaa :-D Feegee
oh dear wanting to beat my own score
each time must be addictive lol Feegee
oh 3 points extra the screen is so small
and the controlls are not easy Feegee
oh dear points suck its hard you only
have one life Feegee
lol Feegee
rubbish points Feegee
oh dear :-( Feegee
beat the boss :D lolman123
This game is hard and i'm being serouis Stealth
Flash Mario good i get up there soon :) Guerry
i am sooo rusty! I havent played mario
in forever . . . I just got a retro
gaming system though, so i will be in
training! hahaha SmokeyQuartz
I'm commenting to get credits lol Emma
This is an easy game ! :D rebeca242355
._. Z3NOH
That was a great score I got. Rey lopez
Cool game, its a shame tho that when you
go to the next level your score resets
to zero,so i guess this has just come a
race to complete level one.good simple
game,fun to play. DGG
This is an awesome game elephant
well Flash Mario is fun tu mi cuse i got
first place mi score waz 500,067 so who
ever tri tu beat mi score keep trying
lol diva101
i rock at game D generation X
Very fun game, though it get very nerve
racking the farther you go since you
know you only have one life to spare.
I'm not to good at Flash Mario yet, but I
will keep trying. :) EverKnight
cool i got a high monthly score daniel979
Not much of the game, the game needs
some improvement like better songs and
enemies and powers-ups like the others
mario games. Legoman55
The game is ok harkins10
Flash Mario suck caesar