| Mario Tetris 2
See full instructions inside Mario Tetris 2 arcade game.
Play Mario Tetris 2 Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 58,650 Plays    4.0 (25 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by DEECH309.
Comments about Mario Tetris 2:
still the same problem...when I play
Mario Tetris 2....but, never mind..its still
a nice game to play ! Bomber
yeah :D ^Dark~Dragon^
Nice game...I've got one problem, its
the same problem as by normal
Tetris...if I come in the neighborhood
of, lets say, around 20.000
points...then the blocks are falling
THAT fast...I cannot anything do anymore
with my arrow-keys..the blocks are
falling like rockets !
So the Question
is...People who are playing Mario Tetris 2
and reach over 25 or 30.000
points..."do you have a program
that will slow down the fastness of this
game?" Bomber
Atleast my score is legit, unlike the
glitcher lol. I tried to find a glitch
and cant. If I did I would of
"Abused" your score. EmC2Games
Check it out! diva101
Well I got my score fair and square, so
I guess yours should be invalidated. thestorm529
Found a glitch in Mario Tetris 2. Wont share
it as it will be abused. Lonny
man, this is hard once it gets to lvl 9 TALLman2
I first thought that the game was not as
good as any regular tetris games, but
when I played it today, the songs were
good and the blocks are nice and the
good thing is that it has graphics too.
So, I like Mario Tetris 2 very much. Legoman55
try to beat my score if you can losers,
hahahaha mickster
curses give me a cell phone ill beat
that high score ugh danm you key board megamanx564