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 Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce 
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Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce

See full instructions inside Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce arcade game.

Play Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
20,496 Plays   4.1 (27 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: 477.89
All-Time Highscore: 483.53

Recent play by akeo.


Comments about Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce:

Good advice Bomber....I always went for the 1 on the left at 270, but the 1 on the right at about 280 makes more sense. I mean that's 1 less bounce you have to rely on. Unfortunately, I suck throwing right lolGreenfox

Its a nice game when you have time enough ! Everybody talks about highscores, but nobody tells "how to do it"... I want to share my experiences with Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce to need a little bit of luck to do best scores where going like this ( and there will undoubtedly be more methods )...when yeti has the penguin in his hands...and he moves from the left to the right...wait until the yeti moves to the left..and the ice is on the left side on the lowest point...then click your mouse...and let yeti make one and half turn with the again so yeti throw the penguin upwards, a little bit to the right icewall...but, try to don't touch the icewall ! when you have luck the penguin reaches his highest point...turns slow downwards to the right side and falls on the seal nr, 5 ( approximately at 270 meters ? ) sometimes he will be throw away to the seal above on the left side and goes on and this way I have several times reached above 400 meters (my record is still 481 meter)...sometimes this happens in 10 or 20 times, another time it won't happen in 100 times ! So you need a whole lot of luck ! I wish everybody a whole lot of succes !Bomber


Why is Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce so fun?, poor little pinguins. I hate seals too BTW, I like when killer whales eat them on discovery.EmC2Games

Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce is awsome 900ft.theremustbmore

not as easy as I first thought aiming for the right penguin gets frustratingzeus

Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce is nothing more then penguin abuse. Ive been throwing that fracking penguin for 20 mins. but cant beat my second best time. well practice makes perfect I guess.Lonny

neerafa = current best Yeti Sportsman! ;)garyoak99


Yeti Sports - Seal Bounce is OK I guess it takes a lot of time to get a high score if you don't know what your doing like me !!!amoneymaker

Oh yeah I beat the game noobs. I win the tournament. Just kidding but I'm in twelth place.ultimate_dragon510

Really nice game but it takes patiences to get the high score. it took me 10 minutes but i maneged to beat the high score off 331 and i got 351 i think.Beanerman

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