Actually this is old news they been thinking about this for some time now technology wasn't their yet.
Basiciclly your IP address will be in 128 bit instead of 32
For instance IP address (8 * 16 bit numbers)
with AAAA records you can still call things like a normal A record for the most part.
alot of networks changed over to to iPV6 Netflix and many others have done this 6 months ago or so.
this is bad for spammers unless they find a way of spoofing the IP, the spam wont be delivered because non-existent email addresses within the domain, will simply be refuced delivery. They might find temporary weaknesses or workarounds, but I belive IPv6 will be a hard hit in the face of spammers.
Mail services such as yahoo, google and MS will face immense challenges, because they will need to find a way to handle the massive Greylisting hitting them.
The only thing ipv6 has done is make network engineers job a bit harder. Great pay if your into that line of work.
also 99% wont understand any of what I said so ill end it their.
IPv4: Decimal
4 Octects of 8 Bits in overall 32 Bits
IPv4 address decimal:
IPv4 address binary: 11000000.10101000.00000001.11111110
IPv4 address possibles in all world: 2 e32 = 4,294,967,296 IPv4 address
IPv6: Hexadecimal
8 Camps or 16 Octects of 8 Bits in overall 128 Bits.
IPv6 address hexadecimal: A524:72D3:2C80:DD02:0029:EC7A:002B:EA73
IPv6 address binary: 11010001.11011100.11001001.01110001.11010001.11011100.11001100.01110001.11010001.11011100.11001001.01110001.11010001.11011100.11001001.01110001
IPv6 address posibles in all world:
2 e128 IPv6 address 3.4x10 e38 IPv6 address Exactly 340.282.366.920.938.463.463.374.607.431.768.211.456IPv6 address. (unpronounceable number) simplely 340 sixtillons IPv6 address
Formats IPv6:
2031:0000:130F:0000:0000:09C0:876A:130B represented as 2031:0:130F::9C0:876A:130B
2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01:0000:0000:0000:0000 represented as 2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01::
This old protocol IPv6 already exist since 2003 aprox, in particular in Europe, Japan, China, Asia-Pasific region, and very much importants enterprices in U.S.A and Mexico. The change from IPv4 to IPv6 is remplaced gradually in all world until 2013-18 aprox.
I didn't even know it was possible to have this problem.
I consider that there are limits then these grow-up, as example the marcation telephonic in the first decades stared with 3 or 4 digits then increment the poblation increment the digits until 10, 12 digits, so i think it is similar issue. There are increments in the poblation, increment of electronic devices, PDA, computers, lap-top, notepad, Ipad, ipod, mobil phones, planes etc, etc that are using IP address.
this is bad for spammers unless they find a way of spoofing the IP, the spam wont be delivered because non-existent email addresses within the domain, will simply be refuced delivery. They might find temporary weaknesses or workarounds, but I belive IPv6 will be a hard hit in the face of spammers.
That is great news! I'm sure everyone who has ever gone online has sadly realized how bad spam is and now there is a solution!
I find it most intriguing how there was enough foresight to see just how popular the Internet would become, and that a design for IPv6 was thus made way back in 1995. The IPv4 exhaustion problem is further exacerbated by inefficiencies in how addresses are assigned. Only the largest of organizations could possibly need a block of 16,777,216 IPv4 addresses, but in the 1980s that was the size they had to get because the next smaller-sized block available would be insufficient for their needs.
Furthermore there are fewer than 2^32 IPv4 addresses available to begin with because of some reserved addresses. For instance, your computer identifies itself as and thus no one can actually connect to the Internet with that address. Then you have various blocks (such as all 10.x.x.x and 192.168.x.x addresses) that are reserved for networks.
Fortunately IPv6 will easily fix all that. Assuming LalinGouki's numbers are correct, that amounts to over 340 undecillion addresses being theoretically available, and I highly doubt that 282 decillion+ will actually be "reserved" in a manner similar to the current IPv4 system.
LalinGouki, you indeed are also correct, as the linked article I referenced shows the long scale/short scale difference. So for many of our international players, the numbers I refer to in my post above are 340 sextillion and 282 quintilliard.