Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:23 am Post subject: Congress just passed health care bill
There was no doubt as I was glued to the TV watching the debate that Congresswoman Pelosi was letting anyone leave until all votes totaled at least 216. I'm am some what surprise at how close it was 218 to 213.
I myself didnt want this version of the bill it infringes on our rights cause of government is getting bigger.
If some of you think im going on a rant read this and tell me what you think.
It's in a PDF format so if you PC;s slow dont click it.
***Highlights of New IRS Authority***
IRS agents verify if you have “acceptable” health care
IRS has the authority to fine you up to $2,250 or 2 percent
of your income (whichever is greater) for failure to prove
that you have purchased “minimum essential coverage”
IRS can confiscate your tax refund
IRS audits are likely to increase
IRS will need up to $10 billion to administer the new health
care program this decade
IRS may need to hire as many as 16,500 additional
auditors, agents and other employees to investigate and
collect billions in new taxes from Americans
Nearly half of all these new individual mandate taxes will
be paid by Americans earning less than 300 percent of
poverty ($66,150 for a family of four)
Democrats prohibit the IRS from imposing these taxes and
penalties on illegal immigrants
thats one heck of a plan they have their and its kust the beginning, health care in other countries are a lot easier understand.
Anyone has something to say on this let's hear it.
I'm glad I'm Canadian. What I read sucks for all of you Americans. _________________ -2nd Person to Join
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-Only Moderator to be here 4 years and Counting
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:46 am Post subject: Re: Congress just passed health care bill
Lonny wrote:
Nearly half of all these new individual mandate taxes will
be paid by Americans earning less than 300 percent of
poverty ($66,150 for a family of four)
Democrats prohibit the IRS from imposing these taxes and
penalties on illegal immigrants
Those are the two most outrageous things from the executive summary. Reading on further I see that the IRS will now be asked to take on new roles for which I cannot imagine any of their employees having properly trained for... tracking health care files on 300M+ people on a month-by-month basis? Their job is to collect revenue, not look up what John Doe's health coverage status is! As for the illegals, the discussion on pages 8 and 9 sum it up perfectly.
I saw footage on the local news of Nancy Pelosi proclaiming that this health care reform was along the lines of being as historic as Social Security. Some historical good that's going to do America, as SS is now the world's largest Ponzi scheme. I was hoping to at some point in the not-too-distant future get the opportunity to completely opt out of SS; now I see I have to worry about health care too.
The only silver lining... exemption for religious conscience. Hmmm... suddenly the idea of the "Church of America Is Screwed Unless Ron Paul Is Made Dictator And Undoes This Big [Insert 2,010-Expletive Phrase Here] Mess And The Remainder Of The Legislative and Executive Branches Are Thrown Out From Office And Permanently Prohibited From Future Public Service" doesn't sound like a crazy one after all, compared to what was just passed... heck, I think we have quite a few regulars on this site alone who could probably run America as a dictatorship better than the village idiots in Washington DC.
I'm glad I'm Canadian. What I read sucks for all of you Americans.
LOL!!! Well I am an American but never pay attention to this crap and never will. I always ignore this stuff 100 % of the time and don't care either way if it affects my life or not. I! _________________
I was throwing crap at my tv watching this last night, has our country gone insane? or are the dems just showing everyone that they truly are morons _________________ Until you can be Boss of the month 13 times str8 : SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!!
Sounds very similar to how things are over here - making the rich richer and putting immigrants before our own people (BIG Time!) _________________ 26 Time Boss of the Month
Sounds very similar to how things are over here - making the rich richer and putting immigrants before our own people (BIG Time!)
Immigration reform I believe will be the next thing that passes.
Obama backs plan to legalize illegals!
This is just the steeping stone to what in our near future.
I do think he will be a one term president because of this.
btw ignoring stuff makes it easier for them to win "goverment/congress ex..."
Been thinking on this all day, more so then anything else. and religized something.
Whos really to blame here? Democrats Or Republicans.
Simply put it comes do to congress as a whole.
both sides bashing each other spending what money we dont have
more bashing on one another instead of actually working together to solveing the problems in this country and laughing at us all the way to the bank.
for once in their pathetic little life's, put all political differences aside clean house. New blood = new ideas. The Lobbyists would be my pick of first to go.
Whos really to blame here? Democrats Or Republicans.
Simply put it comes do to congress as a whole.
both sides bashing each other spending what money we dont have
more bashing on one another instead of actually working together to solveing the problems in this country and laughing at us all the way to the bank.
for once in their pathetic little life's, put all political differences aside clean house. New blood = new ideas. The Lobbyists would be my pick of first to go.
Darn right. I don't even think of it as Democrats or Republicans anymore, I just treat nearly all of them as one party with a name I pulled out of nowhere - the Demolicans (Democrat + demolish + Republican). If we want to be even more direct, we could say that Congress is comprised of the Moron and Non-Moron parties, and the Moron party controls the entire Senate along with at least 97% of the House.
I also want to thank you Lonny, for that video. The first 30 seconds was what I saw on my local news last night, and the rest was just more of the same. There's no doubt about it - the founding fathers would disapprove.
I just hate the arguement that, "Health care is a right" for one, its not a right, its something you earn, and second, is forcing everyone in america to get health care a right? it sounds like they are taking rights away buy forcing you to purchase health care. i just think its ridiculous
Whos really to blame here? Democrats Or Republicans.
Simply put it comes do to congress as a whole.
both sides bashing each other spending what money we dont have
more bashing on one another instead of actually working together to solveing the problems in this country and laughing at us all the way to the bank.
for once in their pathetic little life's, put all political differences aside clean house. New blood = new ideas. The Lobbyists would be my pick of first to go.
Darn right. I don't even think of it as Democrats or Republicans anymore, I just treat nearly all of them as one party with a name I pulled out of nowhere - the Demolicans (Democrat + demolish + Republican). If we want to be even more direct, we could say that Congress is comprised of the Moron and Non-Moron parties, and the Moron party controls the entire Senate along with at least 97% of the House.
I also want to thank you Lonny, for that video. The first 30 seconds was what I saw on my local news last night, and the rest was just more of the same. There's no doubt about it - the founding fathers would disapprove.
Your welcome on the video. Funny thing on local news, mostly all news programs they reedit a lot of footage. For example the black guy with the AR-15 rifle strapped to his shoulder at a Oboma rally back in Sept or so. Watched it live on cspan and both CNN and our local news turned it around by only showing the gun and his back which was live footage they kept re showing. You couldn't tell what race the person was.
I believe the media does this just to stir stuff up for attention and ratings.
i dont follow politics but if im correct the new health system goes a little something like this (correct me if i'm wrong)
the rich or the hard workers with their hard earned money pays for the poor to get free insurance?
i hate to say it but the poors are poor for a reason. sometimes it's not thier fault but most of the poor families out there, it's because they probably blew off their education because they were lazy and didn't want to pass school. my dad came to america when he was 32, he had 5 kids including me and he still manages to provide an above average house for us because when he came to america, he worked his ass off in school.
my teacher's family was very very broke, she was beat often but she still manage to complete college. how, when her parents couldn't afford her college tuition? its because in high school she worked her butt off and received scholarships and grants to work her way through college.
and now these kinds of hard working people pays taxes to give the poor/lazy their 'free' insurance.