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 Governor Of Poker 2 
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Governor Of Poker 2

Where have you been all those years? Lots of things have changed. Cities have grown, new people arrived... It’s all good, but some things cannot be accepted just like that! Howdy! Finally it’s there, Governor of Poker 2! Packed with lots and lots of extra’s! More cities to conquer and tournaments to play. Great new features, challenges and enemies to defeat. Are you ready for a new exciting adventure in the Wild West? Governor of Poker 2 starts where the first game ended, but nothing is what it seems to be. A new Dallas government has entered and decided to put a ban on all poker games and consider the game to be illegal. What’s even worse… you lost your title of Governor of Poker because of all this! It’s up to you to convince the minister of the Texas gambling committee and show him poker is all about skills! Fight the ban on Poker! Learn how to play the best poker with the poker-tutorial. Play all new tournaments up to 120 opponents in 15 new cities and 23 new poker locations. You can choose to play all new poker tournaments, including a bounty hunter game, where you win cash prices when eliminating an opponent or play against a whole team of players! Organize your own tournaments, get loans at the bank. Travel by train, river casino boat or stage coach and play another game while travelling. Claim your transport and special locations like oilfields and mines. Buy the hats that suit you best or to get admitted to new locations. Judge your opponents based on new emotions, including nervous, on fire, steamy and tilt. Finally defeat the 9 best Notorious players to reclaim your title! Let’s get on the train to Amarillo now and show them what you’ve got!

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Play Governor Of Poker 2 Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
6,288 Plays   3.5 (2 Votes)

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Last viewed by 123hotdog.

Comments about Governor Of Poker 2:

What a phony dealing system Governor Of Poker 2 has. Four out of five hands some player hits just the card they need which suggests the dealer knows the players hands which in this case would be the gaming system. Does it make for interesting gaming? In real life yes if there is no cheating, in a videogame it comes off as cheap entertainment to me. Whatever, the games to short of a demo in my opinion anyhow, it does have a fairly interesting storyline though.KRS10

wack!!!! why isn't it the hole thing? no point in playing this again. what a rip lol. nothing 2 submit, nothing 2 beat, &no chance 4 this in a tourney lol .sorry to say it but epic fail!!! : ) (ARCADEBOSS RULES) : )D!RTYD@N76

very short game 2 levels if you beat those you have to buy the game to play further. Very easy game if you know how to play poker.rogbow

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