| Head Case
See full instructions inside Head Case arcade game.
Play Head Case Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 32,214 Plays    4.0 (12 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by alin56678.
Comments about Head Case:
Head Case game the score are not save on
Arcade Boss. swphan1966
Unique and original game. I enjoyed it. Destroyer
Clear cookies, then play again, or just
restart at level 1 if you want your full
score, you can't die once, I hate that
in games. Use your head lol. AngelicHumanForce
WARNING: It seems Head Case gives you a
`Submit` option only if you've reached
or passed *your* all-time highest score
- otherwise you just get choice of Try
Again or Quit - either of which will
erase your current score. Eagle_Kiwi
lol xD that makes me laugh myrapla122