| Shuffle
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| 20,589 Plays    4.3 (31 Votes)
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Recent play by akeo.
Comments about Shuffle:
Love Shuffle! Duchess Dol
Shuffle is highly addicting.. i keep
coming back for more of it and can't
seem to get enough. its fun and gives
you something to shoot at... piratelady
Very cool game. Not good to go first all
the time, but nice graphics and sound
fx... Tookie
cool game cake08
Finally! Gold on shuffle! neeraffa
dad lanceof3
Challenging game but the medals are set
too high. Gold is almost impossible to
get and silver is a VERY tough
challenge. I would have it.....75,000
for Gold, 65,000 for Silver and 50,000
for Bronze. Destroyer
This is so damn much fun to drink to! Avocadopunk
wish there was cool music. With a really
simple game, they have to liven it up a
little bit! SmokeyQuartz
This game is nothing more than pure
evil! With a touch of addiction, and a
hint of CPU unstoppability. Ernie
I am not to sure what it is about this
game that keeps me coming back for more
, It;s great I love it !!!!!!!! EVIL.ANGEL666
Love Shuffle. Could play it for hours.
Very addictive! jamjshoe
Fun and challanging. I don't like going
first all the time though. Also it would
be nice if you could add some english or
had some sort of idea where your ball
was going to go after it hit the other
balls. marcman88
yipee dabomb