| Cribbage Master
See full instructions inside Cribbage Master arcade game.
Play Cribbage Master Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 119,170 Plays    3.9 (17 Votes)
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Recent play by jeepers.
Comments about Cribbage Master:
with 60 yrs. of playing cribbage I have
never seen such cheating in all my
life!!!! Mrs. B.
I find it unbelievable that Jake can win
sooooo many games with exceptionally
large count hands and cribs. Mrs. B.
I was confused at first and had to read
the instructions more than once lol but
once I understood the game better I got
addicted!! great game!!! @$_I_L@Y_DYING
OK great game but where do I find out
how game points are scored? jacklash4151
Check it out! jackamo
still looking for 29 jackamo
I love to skunk jackamo
good fun even for the young jackamo
Very impressed EurekaRaider
theres a trick to Cribbage Master , like many
others...if you click your mouse when
Jake is about to count up his points he
loses most of them. just dont click it
when its your turn to count, you will
lose yours too...be careful but have
fun!! pasnider
great game zug
Coolkevin, I will help you if I can.
Haven't played this version much and
don't pay attention to the score, but I
have beaten him each time. I am used to
playing this with a pack of cards as
well as pc. BilbyWA
this is the hardes game ive ever played
i keep loseing to jack can soemone help
me? coolkevin
I love Cribbage Master. But it is very hard to
score big. I must practice christie crozier