Tags: | Crab Ball
Use Arrow Keys to help your crab win
this game of beach volleyball.
Play Crab Ball Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 15,978 Plays   3.1 (19 Votes)
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Recent play by Ramfree.
Comments about Crab Ball:
Wow Crab Ball is really hard to play. I
can't believe how hard it is to hit a
ball across the net using a crabs head
but guess what it is it is really hard. GinnyBoyd
This game is funny and cute. I agree
that the CPU gets better, because when
you first start the game it's actually
pretty dumb and has trouble keeping the
ball from touching the ground, but by a
few passes later he all of a sudden gets
a clue and hits the ball back with no
problem. Definitely not a game to be
taken seriously, but it's fun! Honeydipped
Ace game Games16
HAHAHA it got stuck on the other crabs
back and I had to restart =P Greenfox
LOL. This game actually made me laugh.
Not very intuitive though. Could be way
better with more options. RealGENIUS
It seems as though the CPU actually gets
better as the game goes on. That I am
not entirely sure of, though. It may
just be an illusion... Ernie
cute but lame darkangel20
wow awesome game pokey4ed2
This game is very fun. I laugh more than
play haha jard
strange but
..................... DirtyBlonde34