| Backgammon
See full instructions inside Backgammon arcade game.
Play Backgammon Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 37,638 Plays   3.2 (6 Votes)
No highscores for this activity.
Last viewed by DonnaJackson.
Comments about Backgammon:
The Computer is the most cheatinest SOB
I've ever seen...Literally rolled 4
doubles in a row. I had NO doubles the
entire game...retarded....still fun
though BigJohn72
Man, the computer was straight up
cheating at first! It kept rolling
double sixes and double fives like every
roll! Then I would roll a 2-1 or a 3-2.
I was about to quit, but I hung in there
and made a monster comeback! I finally
got some high doubles of my own to
complete my victory. Overall....I'd give
this a 2.5 only because you can't play
against other human players. jigadre
PLus, I wish you could play other
members. dragonslayer
Backgammon is really easy to understand.
Each moves their men around the board
in opposite directions. The goal is to
get all of your men off the board before
your opponent does. It is that simple.
I like it because it is a quick moving
game and you can always tell where you
are in the game just by looking at it.
No cards to count or plays to keep track
of, etc. I wish Backgammon was scored,
it isn't. dragonslayer
i luv Backgammon dragonslayer
i can never understand Backgammon! even
when someone explains it to me i still
get so confused lol
not a game for
me! SmokeyQuartz