Tags: | Monkey Slide
Help the monkeys slide down the pole.
Note: This game sometimes submits 0 for the score. Sorry if this happens.
Play Monkey Slide Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 18,673 Plays 3.0 (8 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
None yet
Recent play by Bafusa.
Comments about Monkey Slide:
Haha, you're right... sometimes it does
record your score as zero! Never mind,
it's still an enjoyable game :)msidoh
money see money do,was ok,i didnt last
this is such an adorable game
monkeys are very cute
just hanging
there =D
the game is cool it just
about the scoring though
that it
post zero....diana Q