Tags: boulderdash
| Gopher-It
See full instructions inside Gopher-It arcade game.
Play Gopher-It Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 13,443 Plays 3.6 (12 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
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Recent play by JOJOANNEKE.
Comments about Gopher-It:
Like my other comment, needs a kill
button! Note to self, don't trap
yourself!! Good game but could be
improved in several ways.Similar to
Kirby treasure caves. 3*s-White-Wolf-
Game need's a kill or a reset button!
got to around level 7-8 had the monthly
score and had many lives left but got
stuck nothing left to do but leave! not
much thought goes into some games.good
game other wise.DGG
Great game and agree it does remind me
of Dig Dugstaffidog
it ite...migue12
Fun game! It kind of reminds me of Dig
Dug, doesn't it? ;)garyoak99