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Space Invaders

See full instructions inside Space Invaders arcade game.

Play Space Invaders Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
57,106 Plays   4.3 (65 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: None this month
All-Time Highscore: 1,007,410

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Recent play by Rain Man.


Comments about Space Invaders:

Anonymous We are a legion we do not forgive we do not forgetlocococo32

Always used to get so worked up [laying this and swear like a trooper!!jackndanni

Bulging cheekspurplemushroom

Cost .25 to play!tdickensheets

Space Invaders is very fun but i wish that there was some twist in the game like there being boss levels or power ups or somethingyoshie

i had like ten live Space Invaders is wackmoamen55

No tricks!Massimo

You can never beat a good old game of space invaders. I also had about 6 lives when i died and i wasn't shot when the game ended, pity because i was having a blast.shonafurey

I had a lot of lives and the game ended when I died. I think the game might be bugged. Still a fun game though.Valenzetti

I am also having some issues with the game - I am not able to shoot, the game slows down and I get blasted or it gets stuck! what's up with this? And to top it off my scores are not being addedReneeh61

I am also having some issues with the game - I am not able to shoot, the game slows down and I get blasted or it gets stuck! what's up with this?Reneeh61

sweet game... blast from the pastemaaze

Once you get the hang of it that is when you get better. This gane is so much funReneeh61

I love space invaders !!!! This is the very first game I learned to play years ago, and it's still just as fun as it was thenReneeh61

Hiu all I love arcade boss, and my fingers are nimb!!! Looking forward toplaying long and hard :)Reneeh61

space invaders is one of my all-time favourites!!! the first arcade i played as a kid back in the 80's. great memories.blackadder

fun game. . . . ah the memories! lol but i cant compete with the scores on here! damn!SmokeyQuartz

Space Invaders is really easy, i can survive all the time witout shields, i think the people with the h-scores dont have a live...Kasper

yay 900000000 :Dgamep0wner

What can I say, it's a classic? But I was seriously ticked off how I had two lives left, I got hit, and it said game over. What?Love Buzz

yeah, that game is neat but noticed that theres a game limit on levels. what a bummer but its a good game.legoman10

Well.....I have to say i got tired of kiccin so much ass that i turned kamikaze from boredom...this is the least challenging version of space invaders i ever played...;(getatme27

a very fun gameangleo_sora

LOVE IT!!!!!!! however why did I randomly die?waterwillow8

Game is way too slow and you cannot destroy enemy projectiles by shooting them like you can in the original game.Code64

Played for one hour and dies on purpose at silver medal and score SUBMIT'S AS ZERO!!!!!! LAME.DGG

This poor conversion takes ages to pick up the pace and then it goes game over with 4 lives left??? Game may be epic, but this version is LAME.mladen

EPIC game a bit bad graphics but its a classicTheMasterMan

reminds me of being in corner store when i was a kidmhigenell

this is a great old classic !!!!!!!!!!! but still great to playderek11

wow lol Space Invaders is an arcade classic and rocks to bad im not that good at itArcadeX

Space Invaders was okay in the 80's but in this day and age it is way out of date and should of been left in the 80's and not revided.aussie557

it is very nice i got first place in it in monthly score but i am in 240th place in the all time score!!!!!!!!!!!!!! besides if any one want to chat with me here is my email id sachinitagi@rediffmail.insachinitagi

i love Space Invaders well i love classics but this is one of my favorite classic games. its an awesome game i love itlilking89

One of my all time favorite games. Sometimes what I don't understand about Space Invaders is you have lives left and then the game all of a sudden ends. So I am not sure what is up with that.sax556

it is soooooooooo fun manHELLBOY ya hoo


I had a bunch of lives and i lost for no apparent reason... :(brmsca

my fingers just got too tiredkiwifootsouljahz

This isn't really like the original game. The aliens don't speed up as they decline. They also do not eliminate the shields as they run over them. Other things as well. Don't understand why it is such a poor simulation.pireton

Very clasic game, very earily PC!

Pretty cool game...Brings back memories...LOL!!!!!!!!!!john9571

500k o.OBeavis

kinda fun...SE321

It did it again! I was kicking butt and then, after shooting one of the red aliens, I died for no apparent reason. Grrr...Maurer

Huh? The game just ended when I had like 5 lives left. And I didn't even get shot when it ended. Oh, well. It was a real blast from the past. :)Maurer

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