Tags: driving avoid 3dimensional
| Cubefield
See full instructions inside Cubefield arcade game.
Play Cubefield Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 14,518 Plays 2.9 (15 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
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Recent play by bidc.
Comments about Cubefield:
1st place ,1st time played....way to
I love how the ship never actually
changes location. The background does
all the moving around it. Pretty good
motion illusion for a flash game.Ernie
Speed Level Max.: 2
Tries: 1
Anyway, good game
Way to easy.fshk
1st place okay that wat too easy i only
played for 7 secondsjoey77
Fun game; only one complaint for me
though. I wish there was some audio,
sound effects or music. It's rather
boring without any audio at all! They
certainly change up the cube field
visually so I don't see why a bit of
audio couldn't have been added!garyoak99