Tags: platform
| Super Chick Sisters
If going for a high score, submit your score before beating the game.
Play Super Chick Sisters Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 27,805 Plays 4.3 (15 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by bidc.
Comments about Super Chick Sisters:
I find more CODES for each level = test1
or test2 or test3 or test4 or test5 or
test51 [GMM 130427]LalinGouki
TIP TO SUBMIT SCORE: must to die before
the end or during the game, if complete
the game then NOT SUBMIT SCORE, be
carefull....[GMM 130423]LalinGouki
ENTER CODE = gopam or GOPAM or Gopam.
...this is a good game, as mario game
[GMM 130416]LalinGouki
@tdickensheets - What the heck is an
aninal? And what does that have to do
with Super Chick Sisters anyhow? If you want to
preech...go to church!!Stubyone
Gen 3:21
And the Lord God made clothes
out of aninal skins for Adam and his
wife, and he clothed them.tdickensheets
Col 2:16 Let no men therefore judge you
in meat.tdickensheets
This was my first time ever playing this
game and I beat it and would of had the
4th place all-time score but it didn't
submit. FMLDestroyer
Alright game but kept on lagging:(Mr.Arcade
This is an awesome gametatty
crse u peryy the platapos!cannon22
im second place at last!Chinere