In a post-apocalyptic future world ORE MAN fights for survival the only way he can, mining the underworld for diamonds and rubies and unleashing his thunder cannon on any that challenge his right to survival. Fun retro arcade based on Dig Dug. Use your keyboard to play this game.
Controls = Arrow keys to move and Z or A to fire weapon. Click the Walkthough link to view the ORE MAN thread with scoring and game tips.
SUBMIT your score by clicking the red x button, which returns to the game menu and then click on Highscores.
An Arcade Boss original game!
Play ORE MAN Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 13,692 Plays    3.6 (14 Votes)
No highscores for this activity.
Last viewed by bidc.
Comments about ORE MAN:
Hmm, arrow keys now seem fine. :) Eagle_Kiwi
Shoots fine, but arrow keys simply don't
work for me (and a few others, I gather)
in my FF, so game is unplayable. :-( Eagle_Kiwi
Well there's a bug ( no pun intended! )
in level 9 ( the centipede room ) where
you shoot the centipede while on the
very outside tunnel, it breaks up, as
into go in different directions, one bit
went through the rock and got stuck,
cannot shoot it, and it cannot get out,
nothing to do but exit the game. -White-Wolf-
GRRRRRRRRRR second place... ill go for
the gold later eliOFwayland
Not bad DannyBoy1235
This is my new favorite game on
Arcadeboss very very addictive. I think
gold is set perfect not to hard not easy
although i am only on bronze i will go
for gold. Very entertaining, fun,
addictive and awesome. The plot to the
game is fun and interesting the enemies
and the main character are very quick
they move easily around which is harder
but gives the concentration factor. All
up the graphics are good the game play
is fantastic i love the plot, 5s all
This is probably one of my favorite
games here on AB, although I don't hold
the best score in it. Great game, 5/5.
Well done AB. Starman
"Cool; Has that Retro
feel."..........TK TumbleKraft
How do you move? The arrow keys don't do
anything. trevor1701d
Excellent game and hard, if you complete
the 26 levels, you repit again, but its
more difficult. I love ORE MAN. ryu2009
Nice game. I didn't find the woodlice
too much of a problem. They do travel in
a different way to the other bugs which
makes them harder to hit. But overall
good. Sime
The Pillbugs do add a lot of challenge
to the game, without them it would be
much to easy. And yes, it is difficult
to not lose a health point or two in The
Matrix level and a few others, due to
these bugs, but the game isn't meant to
last forever either. Thanks for
playing! ArcadeBoss
Edit previous comment: *almost
impossible to kill without losing health
which is a shame* neeraffa
A really decent game that's let down
only by the creatures that look like
woodlice - These are where i lost 99% of
my health + unless you can get above or
below them they are almost impossible to
kill which is a shame :/ neeraffa
I love ORE MAN. It's one of the best
old style graphics games on arcadeboss.
Nice job! Destroyer