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Realistic Pinball simulation themed around a computer motherboard. Animated playfield toys, multiball, magno-save etc.

Familiar Pinball objectives. Control the ball with left, right and upper flipper. Hit the drop targets and light lanes to activate awards. Hit the flashing targets to collect points and progress through levels.

Hit Enter key to launch the ball.

Play Pinball Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
35,346 Plays   3.9 (24 Votes)

No highscores for this activity.

Last viewed by NewMexicoGlo.

Comments about Pinball:

Why can't you fix the scoring system on Pinball so that we can submit our scores?grimm68

The "submit score" does not work when I click on it. That's too bad because this is one of the better pinball games. Will have to play this one on

Great Game! Hope to do better!kmlynch



ooppsie ....moonchild

still wont let meget my score ..144,920moonchild

It wont put in my high score why it was 1,320,660moonchild

Fun pinball game.PIX

wow manbrandonflash44

Best pinball game I've found in quite some time!!! Easy on the eyes & fun to play!!!dizzymizlizzy

Wow makes me feel like I'm back in the arcade. Great pinball game.Blazed

"when the ball stucks on the corner of the launching lane" I solved this problem by hitting the space-barBomber

my score 126,620 my best for now 10/27/10bhuff5


Love Pinball, never seen a pinball in flash done so well. There is a problem however. Last two games, I had a buggy multiball, where the timer reaches 0, stops at 01, and stays on forever. You can never lose, because 5 balls are kept in the field. It should be fixed, other than that, game rocks! Oh, yes the color of the board reminds me of classroom board... Why that shade of green??? :)mladen

Very subpar pinball game. There's so many things to hit it off, yet you don't get anything for hitting them. And there's no side bumpers. I agree with Ernie, those jets should count for points.Love Buzz

The jets don't count for anything...?Ernie

i like the simplicity of this one! And the graphics are coolSmokeyQuartz

I love Pinball. I really do. This game is really fun. I love pinball games. And Pinball is the best game I have ever played. This is the best pinball game EVER! I love pinball and I love ArcadeBoss for making the best games in the world.CrimsonAngel

very good game! my favorite pinball game on the site!revskid

When ball gets stuck, hit space bar to nudge. But not too much!!!reddcapp

when i play it stucked!!!immagbg

I've had a "small problem" with this beautifull game ! Several times the ball stucked exactly on top of the corner of the "Launching Lane"...then you can nothing do else, as starting a new game...Bomber

Very fun pinball game!JJenkins

Beautifull game ! Looks very good !Bomber

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