| Ninjas vs. Pirates Tower Defense
Build Ninja towers and defend against invading pirates Use your mouse and keyboard to play this game.
Play Ninjas vs. Pirates Tower Defense Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 15,876 Plays    3.7 (7 Votes)
No highscores for this activity.
Last viewed by bidc.
Comments about Ninjas vs. Pirates Tower Defense:
Beaten! Hala Madrid!
I'm working on it ... is only a question
of time. Hala Madrid!
This is 1 highly addictive game!!
Although now I seem to have a glitch
which wasn't there an hour ago... the
screen keeps scrolling to the bottom
right, so I can't place any ninjas
anywhere else on the board :( hopefully
it sorts itself out soon so I can play
it again! demonican9el
Beat that! :) jamjshoe
did i got a trophy nicolas
Ive basically conquered Ninjas vs. Pirates Tower Defense in
every way, I dont think its possible to
get passed wave 89, I made it about half
way through wave 89, you just cant kill
the onslaught of pirates after wave 89
no matter what mix of ninjas you have...
Im done with Ninjas vs. Pirates Tower Defense...... AngelicHumanForce
Made it pretty far. Got the 3rd monthly
with ice ninja lvl 1 all around the map
to keep things slowed alot of Ultimate
Ninjas near the front that could also
attack middle and near the end and
packed the end of the map with the Insta
Death ninjas....they did really
good...but seemed in the later waves
there chance for insta death got
lower....when I first started to get
some it was happening all the time then
mabye 2-3 times per wave and the the
wave I died on didnt happen at all. Animen
Got 3rd place score using just ice ninja
and ulitimate ninja Animen
Wave 84 baby!
When it gets laggy and
slow, switch to low quality, and heres
the best tip. MINIMIZE the screen and
the game plays at real time speed, you
cant see but who cares right?, put on
the sound and play, minimize the screen
and listen how it plays at full speed =) AngelicHumanForce
Ninjas do OWN pirates yay!
Ninjas vs. Pirates Tower Defense is a cool Tower Defense game,
does get boring at times. I made it to
Wave: 62, pretty much gets laggy and
impossible after that, can't believe
them pirates made it past my defenses,
they took everything and just kept
coming. I think the best ninja is the
poison ninja, freeze ninja and of course
the Ultimate ninja. AngelicHumanForce