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 Mahjong Tower 
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Mahjong Tower

See full instructions inside Mahjong Tower arcade game.

Play Mahjong Tower Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
34,281 Plays   3.5 (18 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: None this month
All-Time Highscore: 11,601

Recent play by Dwayne Hinton.


Comments about Mahjong Tower:

1ST TIME PLAYINGgreeneggsiam

If you clear the board then you start over with a score of "0". Ridiculous.luckykid

I like the game because it's a mahjong game, but there are so many boards to go through. Not really crazy about that. I would rather complete the board than have to go through many of them to finish.dragonslayer

Another addictive game. Need to work on the scoring though.dragonslayer

Not to sure about this version of Mahjong quite yet. The scoring just isn't making any sense to me at all.cberry56

This game needs concentration.wh2angel

I love Mahjong Tower, but it is very hard. But still , i can not stop playing.christie crozier

wow thats no bueno! haha i wish it wasnt like that, i loved this version so much because i thought it was one where you actually advanced in levels! bummerSmokeyQuartz

@ SmokeyQuartz, you only score of one board, but you have to die before finishing that board! So run out of hints / shuffles and moves then you can submit.-White-Wolf-

can someone please explain the scoring system to me?? I love playing Mahjong Tower and went through ALOT of 'levels' but it didnt add them up and score it that way it just gave me some wierd score at the end that was really low. And i played 12 levels continuouslySmokeyQuartz

I love the fact that you can choose your layout from tons of different tile layouts. Mahjong Tower is the best Mahjong version i have played. You get a bonus for speed and I liked the fact that it didnt have alot of loud noises when i made a wrong match. All in all its a fun game, i just wish more of these Mahjong games had some music to it!SmokeyQuartz

5933, wow after my mouse acted up and I lost the score from my game. Had to start over. Who knows I could have lost. I love the different towers they keep the game interesting.wh2angel

Wow, well thats a new mahjong concept, try to die before the end of the level or you carnt submit your score.Very good mahjong game with good board selection + option's but i like to play to try to complete the board,not purposely try and die and if you carnt then you have to restart! rated 2*'s.would have been 4 without the score problem.DGG

THAT WAS LAME...suzi q

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