| Pop Pirates
See full instructions inside Pop Pirates arcade game.
Play Pop Pirates Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 13,356 Plays    4.0 (19 Votes)
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Recent play by Ramfree.
Comments about Pop Pirates:
YA greeneggsiam
awesome idid greeneggsiam
MY FAVORITE GAME greeneggsiam
love Pop Pirates wish i can get further. greeneggsiam
I love the game concept so much! I've
been looking for this kind of game. Now
I found it! Yippie~ bet1990
Very awesome game, love the concept,
gameplay, and graphics. all great.
This is a very fun game but there is a
trick to getting a really highscore
fast. My highest score on Pop Pirates is
70,000+ in 21mins HeatBlast
Uh I recant my statement that this gets
easier as you play along. I can't get
past level 4 or past my high score of a
whopping 38,000. Fun game though, I'm
still playing. :) Blazed
Wow really like Pop Pirates. Takes a
little bit of practice as with any game,
but you get better quickly as you play
along. The caterpillar is a pain! You
have to get his body before you can get
his head! He needs to turn about more
ha. I added this to faves. Blazed
this is a good game, but could use a
pause button carltontx
my new favorite game its really awesome
lots of fun. but i hate the robot boss
hes kinda hard but still awesome game Prestige
Pop Pirates is awsome i love to play this
game when im at school :D its super fun! SpikeXEpidemic
Pop Pirates was so much funi cant wait to
play it again its a really good game
especialy if you like to shoot at random
things and theres always something new
to expect out of the game :] i love it! SpikeXEpidemic