| Super Sonic Click
See full instructions inside Super Sonic Click arcade game.
Play Super Sonic Click Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 185,826 Plays    3.7 (39 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by bidc.
Comments about Super Sonic Click:
ITS HARD but its very easy if u train brandonflash44
Nice challenging game, unfortunately I
can't seem to get a decent score on it SouthP
This game is way too hard -^- Kool
over 11,000 points is not bad! but i'm
gonna try harder! thecriticofmischief
NNNNNNNNNNooooooooooooooooo too late for
tourney... unbelievable! :( mladen
im number one in monthly highscores thesmoshfan23
great game but hard for me to to get a
good score,still not bad for a first
play.rate 9/10 DERAILED
any1 beat my score yet? o3o CDSONIC01
I give extensive credit to the makers of
Super Sonic Click, sega itself, & Arcadeboss
for approving Super Sonic Click. Litterally. Its
Actually kinda easy. Not to brag that I
earned 1st place of the month, I will
strive to beat the all time highscore,
as I earned already a medal hopefully. XGokuTheHedgehogX
I'm inclined to agree with the 2nd and
3rd comments that were posted about this
game. Indeed, it is a new kind of
challenge, and there ought to be more
games like this. And yes, it is highly
difficult, but at the same time, it can
also be fun if you get used to it. And
it's actually one of those games that
interests me very much, as I myself am a
fan of Sonic the Hedgehog. sevencube3
my highest score wal like 20,000 good
but hard game . awesome! taz775
I suck at Super Sonic Click. Destroyer
it is hard vary hard I SAY!!!! tails the fox
this is hard kingman33
this is hard hard kingman33
A very hard game! but if you're like me
that just makes you want to play it
more! very addicting. GrayLemons
cool game
the song is from streets of
rage 2 CDSONIC01
wow 6budo
I'm the King silver012
Really hard! Gerf
damm this is hard catalinawilsonc@live.com
who is arcade boss? (pacman) Shadow the hedgehog
wow its hard but good game from the
parts i was playing 9 out of 10 mrg7698
games good - till i win SUPERSLATZ
stupidous game i've ever played and its
not just because i suck at it malygos7
very hard to master! neeraffa
this is one of the games that don't
interest me much. christie crozier
60/100 Roro1029
To be good you need to practice a whole
lot Homelessthinker48
Challenging and fun little game. ArcadeBoss
Who invented Super Sonic Click? This is one of
the hardest game I've ever played! More
games should be this challenging. Sonic
Click is also a catchy name. Lots of
players will probally play Super Sonic Click. Charazard X
This game is realy hard!!
Charazard X Charazard X