| Mk5
See full instructions inside Mk5 arcade game.
Play Mk5 Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 8,874 Plays   3.0 (10 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by bidc.
Comments about Mk5:
Matched my Alltime score to the second,
427,600. Highly recommend, Please ...
Challenge me :) -White-Wolf-
One of my favourite game's here, been
playing Mk5 all month long with
only average score's but finally got a
good one.Pure skill + speed.I advise it
help's to get extra point's...only get
purple bonus when at 90 second's or less
or b4 the last pick up so you get the
best time bonus, also there are surtain
level's with $2k cash, if you collect
extra live's without going to much out
of your way on surtain level's i die on
purpose and you can collect good $2k
bonuses many time's, die three times in
a later level when you have good
live's,do it 3 times in one level thats
6k,+ you can do it fast if lucky.Very
high skill game but it help's to think
of the best way to make the best score
with the time you have! DGG
Man im so happy! have played Mk5
many times in the last week or so to
finally get rewarded, last game... no
death's,and a fast as game.One of the
most addictive games ive played here
yet, Played on Hard mode for double time
bonus,23 level's.Advice..do not waste
time going for extra live's as for me
they are a waste of time with no death's
whats the point,also make sure you get
all time bonuses.Very close top 3
score's.Mk5 is brilliant. DGG
This game is just brilliant! im getting
close to #1 with 398k. coming for you
neeraffa lol. i'll have another go
tomorrow,highly addictive and a very
skillful game.Hint..you have to play
HARD if you want to get better points. DGG
bs!!!!!!!!!!!! RealGENIUS
Starts out easy enough and gives you a
false sense of this is gonna be sooo
easy and it doesn't take long to find
out you are in for a challeng. Really
fun game and very addicting!! jamjshoe
It's MUCH more difficult than it looks!
Easy to learn; difficult to master! ;) garyoak99