| Skee Ball
See full instructions inside Skee Ball arcade game.
Play Skee Ball Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 1,161,323 Plays    4.4 (194 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by DonnaJackson.
Comments about Skee Ball:
Put your cursor either right or left
about 4 inches inside the blue
Put it right in front of the ball and
with your hand run your cursor
with enough speed to put it in
the play area. It will take practice
get the
right speed down. The
only thing I go for is 100"s. but
just try
to aim your ball for the 100
sax556 pinga
the liltle dude in the cape cute... the
gators kinda strange but wat
floats your boat...addicting... pinga
Feel like I'm 8 years old again BigJohn72
Yeah,Buddy! Goofy
Getting better...lol....at least trying
to...lol Goofy
great game tdong
reminds me of "back when" my2izopen
Who have high score? tdickensheets
????? longcar28
slowly longcar28
alittle weak longcar28
The key to Skee Ball is perfectly
repetitive hand movement with a lot of
practice... Psyche, it's actually the
luck of the draw with the colored
balls... (that didn't sound right). casinogiant
such an addictive game and the one that
brought me here.....I am determined to
get that high score one day I swear lol gameaddict
Great and addictive game. Fun and
challenging. Skeeball Rules
im really bad at Skee Ball minecraftmaster
20th place ugh! No matter how many
times I try Skee Ball I can't get any
better at it. I keep trying tho. Every
month I try again and every month I do
horrible. GinnyBoyd
I absolutely LOVE skeeball. Have been
playing it a long time. alavie
Put your cursor either right
or left about 4 inches inside the blue
Put it right in front of the ball
and with your hand run your cursor
with enough speed to put it in
the play area. It will take practice to
get the
right speed down. The only
thing I go for is 100"s. but just
try to aim your ball for the 100 hole.
sax556 sax556
No matter what I do I can't figure out
how to get the ball into the 100 points.
I've tried flinging side way and
curving it. IDK maybe someday I'll get
it outta luck. GinnyBoyd
Man no matter how hard I try I can't hit
that 100 points. Ugh it's so
frustrating. GinnyBoyd
Will Skee Ball ever get any easier? I
play it on this site and other sites day
after day and can't seem to get very
much better day after day. Hmmmm. Just
keep at it I guess. GinnyBoyd
I'm so bad at this ugh! GinnyBoyd
Has to be one of the all time most
addicting games of all times. I know
I've lost a lot of quarters over my
times to Skee Ball. GinnyBoyd
not too bad, but the 100 targets are
impossible! RollickyRuth
love playing skee ball whether online or
offline- its relaxing and helps release
stress. its one of my all time favorite
games.. piratelady
i love Skee Ball i can play all day... RAERAEBOMB
Hey Guys! I Love This Stuff! Nina7369
This game rules all Bosses over the
Arcade kingdom of Bosses PIX
yahoooooooooo power990
omg power990
Why do people complain about the game in
one comment, then talk about how great
it is in the next? Confusing.. ilovedahvievanity
im getting better sandra69
I am really trying to get high scores
and it is hard but I love Skee Ball so
much that I will keep,keeping on trying
till I like my score and get into the
top 5, I hope that I may accomplish this
as long as I keep playing! lovebearwf lovebearwf
I love Skee Ball!!!! ilovedahvievanity
Did anyone got all there balls in 100?
900 tdickensheets
Classic, never gets old, like me. casinogiant
listing to eazy e playin skee ball ;p squirt
Very relaxing no thinking game. Easy to
play and watch the tube at the same
time. cberry56
oh hard one suppose practice needed :-D Feegee
how about that one pix? casinogiant
Man how many comments to get the
freaking points I need for my dang old
tourneys, "more words = More
points" bs. Tournies should be
free. casinogiant
I love Skee Ball and play it everytime I
come to arcade boss casinogiant
Uhhhhhhhh na na na na casinogiant
not bad for the 2cnd try casinogiant
This game is really kool but it's better
in real life :cool: thekoolkid
Love <3 Skee Ball- great way to
decompress after a tense session of pong
or snake... jmb1269
casino, you still blow Skee Balls PIX
I posted a comment but it never showed,
so I'll try again. I do not like this
game. Before I read the instructions, I
scored 410 which isn't great, but now, I
cannot get the ball to even make it into
the score area. Go
figure..............lol. dragonslayer
Don't like Skee Ball....cannot get the
ball to go into the score area. When I
first played, I scored 410 which is not
great and that was before I read the
instructions for the game. Now, after
reading the instructions, I cannot get
the ball to go where it is supposed to
in order to score......lol. Go
figure.....lol. dragonslayer
See....get 150 then 1050 then 500...
Never consistant namtam 1
Never will I get this down on a
consistant basis namtam 1
See....not consistant, but still
fun....lol namtam 1
I will never be consistant with my
score. I will never get higher than I
do...why if I know this, do I still want
to play????? namtam 1
Moving on to embaress myself at another
game...you all have a great day and week
next week.....be safe!!! namtam 1
addicting namtam 1
Turns out it was just luck....too bad
that luck doesnt work for the
lottery...lol. move on or try again... namtam 1
Getting better or just lucky???? Since
I have nothing but bad luck, maybe im
getting better??? Who knows.....not me. namtam 1
Just thought I had the hang of
this...lol. NEVER BRAG TO SOON...lol.
Little kids can do better than this. namtam 1
etting the hang of it....I think...lol namtam 1
love skee ball best game ever Bengal girl84
How high score to get a teddy bear
pluch? tdickensheets
But it still cheats casinogiant
Cheating Azz Game casinogiant
I'm not the greatest at Skee Ball but
boy is it ever fun!!! jessenr88
i love skee ball squirt
*.* better den nuthin' squirt
excellent skeeterboy
Where's my teddy bear I won?Lol! tdickensheets
Skee ball is one of my favourite arcade
games. There's just something about it
that's so much fun. As for this online
version, it's pretty cool. It's safe to
say i'm as terrible as online skee ball
as i am int he arcade :P But i had good
fun playing it. shonafurey
This Skee Ball game seems to be less
difficult than the Arkadium Skee Ball
games that I have played at other
websites. The 100 point targets are
easier to hit, and Skee Ball is more
generous with bonus balls and bonus
targets. I must have been presented with
ten bonus targets in a row when I made
the monthly high score. JasonJWB
Pleasantly entertaining for the most
part. PIX
A nice combination of skill and luck
makes Skee Ball both fun and addictive.
It only takes a couple of minutes to
complete a round, so this is a good game
to play when time is limited. A minor
bug sometimes leaves a ghost image of a
ball in the bottom of the trough. JasonJWB
How about that crabby casinogiant
I'm playing at Chuck E. Cheese's! Lol! tdickensheets
Where's my tickets? tdickensheets
I am new to this site and I love this
skee ball game it's great fun!! Sandi78
What can I say..There's nothing like
playing a great carnival game as this.
Always was and always will be one of my
fav's. cberry56
This game seems to be one of the more
popular games on this site. I llove
skee ball, my arm gets real tired but I
keep coming back for more. got2win
I love Skee Ball. got2win
Skee Ball is easier in person and you
can cheat stumesa
almost hit 400 stumesa
i got 730 i am try to beat my ex score
he think girls suck at Skee Balls and
wouldn't let me play but he got 800 and
something so i am aiming for 900 wish me
luck Preciousbby
llove Skee Ball cake08
I love playing Skee Ball. It is so far
the best version on Skee Ball I have
found. I can't get off the computer
because I am constantly trying to beat
my scores... shari1958
This game is highly addictive and I love
it. shari1958
Un jeu gentil et créatif un
+merci...encore une fois plus de
pratique =meilleur rsulta. bum43
i just score 1,090 yay claps for self.
get to 600 and get 3 extra balls and do
well with them and it helps you get to
higher scores majormanafemale
my high score is 800 i average between
200-300 have always loved skee ball
this might be hard but its adicting when
i hit 700 i thought game was over it
gave me 3 bonus balls majormanafemale
Is it me or does Skee Ball gets sluggish
once I login? I Love Jackie Johnson
i played over an hour and never got
above 460... I still day the chance of
getting the blue and red ball should be
higher because without them you can not
have any chance of getting one of the
month high scores and wont even reach a
third of the all time score which i
assume was some how rigged or was made
by hacking the game because its not
possible otherwise, and I dont know what
the point of the credits are I get by
writing a review so can somebody tell
me. goldmsw
i have played 10 times and scored: 330,
360, 330, 350, 360, 390, 330, 300, 320,
and 370... only got 3 blue and 1 red in
all 10 games... how can i get more blues
and reds????? I guess its a good game.
Def best on the site... goldmsw
its impossible to get a good score cauz
red/blue r so rare goldmsw
Classic, every arcade has one of these
games and it's addicting, especially
with head to head tournaments. SouthP
i would love to play war card game on
here!! can't find it anywhere else, i
prefer to play it here and nowhere else joannabryan
love Skee Ball get owned 2day
better then nothing :D skeeball master
This game is really fun. MarieRagusaWeeks
i just love Skee Ball, if only i were
using an i-pod i-touch though!!! :-) jean6942
YAY!!!! My highest score yet. Way to go
ME!!!!!! drmgl24
That game was really lousy. I lost my
stride real quick. drmgl24
Extremely challenging. When you think
you have the right momentum, you find
out quickly that you don't. Also, it is
very addicting. It is so easy to hit
the 'play again' button. But it is
loads of fun. drmgl24
Love Skee Ball, Always played it at the
arcade. Chris12960
how the hell does someone get 3700 point
on Skee Ball! thats nuts! SmokeyQuartz
Im not even getting enough blue and red
balls to get a high score...Grrrr,seems
like you have to play 100 games before
that will happen.lol MetalgirlPlush
I love Skee Ball,I play it on myb and
greatdaygames.Im better on it on the
other sites.My alltime high is 3,180 on
GDG.Goodluck to you all.:) MetalgirlPlush
its ok mufc4life
I'm hooked! 1270 is my best and that's
just not good enough. Must play more
SKEE BALL! almack
Need more cow bell! almack
I f you really like Skee Ball try to
break the highscore wysamx
Love Skee Ball
*~ChaoticKarma23~* ChaoticKarma23
"This game is very lifelike; The
graphics and the audio are awesome and
the control is spot-on. Way to put
great effort into a
game."........TK TumbleKraft
I like Skee Ball wysamx
Sad to say, but I play better in real
life =( Greenfox
this damn game, I cant stop playing vpoint1
Skee Ball is addictive once you start
its hard to stop especially trying to
beat your own score gamemaster17
much better game jenni420
i can do better jenni420
I love Skee Ball. One of my favorite
Arcade games! And this is the closest
you can get to really standing there and
playing. I really like this version,
very quick load! and lots of fun! SmokeyQuartz
love it cageykat
this is the best game i have played on
this site ever RanchoHSMarching
omg this is best mawmaw
whoo 4070 shadow dark blade
woohoo 470 woohoo :D shadow dark blade
woohoo i got 220 score yes my cool score shadow dark blade
Skee Balls phisics is confusing i mean
in most skee ball games i play i get
alot of 300 but on this one i got mostly
100 its not fair Hboy
Very addictive game. I love skee ball. andrewnil
i only hit two one hundreads. shadow 23
this is the only game i play when I come
onto this website. I made this account
today, too. Blackstar33
TODAY!) sindey2908
Skee ball is awsome lilman3000
This game cheats but it is really fun
once you get the hang of it DaleJr88
WWND?? Lol I only got 4k and it says I
got 38k?.... Glitch much? astroglide
I give skee ball 3 out of 5 stars.
Bowserfire Bowserfire
Yyyyaaaaayyyyyyy!! hoytsmack
Not a bad game, but to me nothing beats
the real ski-ball you'd play at an
arcade still fun though EVIL.ANGEL666
wow!!! 1st time 4 this score little
yyyeeeehhhaaaaa!!!!!! What a Blast!! hoytsmack
ooohhhyyeeeaaahhhh!!!!! hoytsmack
gr dang just 110. cannon5555
Fun game once you can control how hard
you throw it. Getting a blue and red
balls and getting it in the 100 is the
key!!! KTWORLD
Hey just wanted to say I really enjoy
Skee Ball, I am getting better still not
at the top but working on it. Great site
have had many hours of fun.
sax556 sax556
I give this one 5 stars! I find it hard
to sotp playing! bigdebbiegirl
fun but hard to control where you throw
but other than that i like it 4/5 stars Eyanray2k
love it but it still dont beat the real
like carni skee ball DEMENTIA
Great to have a classic carnival game on
an arcade site. It's very fun to play
Skee Ball with a twist, since it is
harder on the computer than in real
life, and I still need some practice,
lol cardinalbird2000
I agree with 46 Goon TrevorFreakinGriggs
kimmyann123 says "It's ok ok just
ok." kimmyann123
Awesome game! nicole09
i'm having some trouble the game keeps
freezing on me and tell me to refresh.
this is hurting my game and i can't hit
the 100 pts on the game. i may need to
check back to how to aim or play the
game. i love Skee Ball so much . i try
to find the game in any game room i can
or ask the people in the game room to
get one or put one in they will make
more money that way. when my daughters
take the children to chuckie's i tell my
daughters "you know where to find
me" Yea @ the skee ball i would
spend about 50-100 dollars on the game
not including what i give the kids and
don't forget my own. we act like kids
do but we enjoy ourselves and the
tickets are for them. thanks and keep on
balling. rochelle
it is ok chase .m hakala
just joined here love Skee Ball.THANX geoman3
So i will beat you all down right know!! brenn_an
I just love Skee Ball. I go o the fair
every year just to play this, I just
can't seem to get a very high score. christie crozier
c'mon Lace we need some competition for
the top 3 Grolobo3
This is like the best game ever! kakashishigarashi
dont know why Skee Ball dont get any
easier contentloc
just like the old fair rollll upppp contentloc
It's just like a real game of Skee Ball. Squirtle102
love it but still nothing like the real
game sexy.zombiechick
I must have played Skee Ball 30 times by
it's so quick! kakashishigarashi
ASS ashley ily Lace
GAMEZ magic7592000
i love Skee Ball :) funboy280
This is a tough game but love it. Just
started playing so now I have a new
challenge. sax556
it alright kinda hard though Homelessthinker48
omg i didnt know that Skee Balls could
be played on the computer this is the
best games in the world!!!!!!!!!! maggy
i only had one 10 hole SWAGGMAN STEVIE
I know dey mad I beat dey high score Big
Shoutout to dat boy Lace wit da number 1
high score holdin it DOWN on SkeeBall
knawtumbout ABN Bless