Tags: | Formula Net
Make points before the time runs out.
Controls: Arrows Keys
Play Formula Net Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 20,478 Plays 3.9 (10 Votes)
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Recent play by Bafusa.
Comments about Formula Net:
The wall is fallen. 70,000 points are
not possible.Rain Man
Great game. Really replicates the feel
of the old Aurora Model Motoring sets
including, unfortunately, all the
frequent crashes. So how come the other
car never spins out?King Donut
great game. kind of hard crashes at
first but after practicing and
experimenting it flies by.KimLeeChang
This game is easy enough for anyone to
play — all it takes is knowing when (and
for how long) to press the Up Arrow (and
when to release it). I have no more to
say here!sevencube3