| Luigi's Day
See full instructions inside Luigi′s Day arcade game.
Play Luigi′s Day Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 65,496 Plays    3.9 (28 Votes)
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Recent play by Bafusa.
Comments about Luigi′s Day:
I scored 8421 points but how do break
bricks? there are no Bricks and 1 level Benbenq
I should break more bricks next time.
Since I came in third, thats because I
got all of the coins! Anyways, what is
it like when you touch the quicksand, or
a pirranha plant? cool390
It doesn't want to let me go down the
pipe multiple times. I know it's
possible, because that's how people are
getting the highest scores. Ernie
OH YEAH IM ON THIRD PLACE!!!!! jeffrey345
oh man I got sixth place in Luigi′s Day, I
should do better on Luigi′s Day the next
time I play it Rey lopez
It sure was a piece of cake for me
because I did not lose even once Rey lopez
The way you get more points is going
into the pipe over and over
The pipe without the plant, go
in it, get all the coins, then instead
of leaving through the bottom pipe to
leave, jump to the second level and go
forward to the wall, it will bring you
back to the start of the part where the
pipe is again. repeat, repeat, repeat.
Simple as that, have fun... AngelicHumanForce
that was fun!!!!!! Shadow yoshi 333
yo this the most stupid game i ever play
one word suckers gtredx13
game great!! and try to beat my score
try coolkevin
i love Luigi′s Day ad31066
i know how to get more coins its
glichis its kinda hard to eaxplan in a
comeant coolkevin
now i know how to get more coins but im
not gonna tell it coolkevin
wow that is one relley short game but
how do you get more points it hard how
do you do it? coolkevin
hard to play cat_win
YES 1ST PLACE!AWSOME!!!! Vanessalinn
Alex, and others: Refer to forum thread.
March 2009
638.html#top ) Eagle_Kiwi
I don't understand how we can make more
points, i picked all coins that is
possible and i broke bricks, so i don't
know. Can someone help me? Alex_Ovechkin_forever!