| Dupligon
See full instructions inside Dupligon arcade game.
Play Dupligon Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 7,404 Plays    3.5 (12 Votes)
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Recent play by bidc.
Comments about Dupligon:
thats a great game,it works well and its
challenging enough. reganz
dupligon is just as hard as i remember! SmokeyQuartz
LMAO, i sucked soo bad at Dupligon lol,
i couldnt stop laughing. SmokeyQuartz
Woot woot! only the 2nd person to get
95%. i got all A Rating's and was quick
enough for #1 all time, im thinking 95
is the max score as i scored 95 on all
four stages with all A's.Awesome game
highly recommend:) DGG
i must have short term memory
loss...couldnt even remember the shapes
seconds after seeing them LOL darkangel20