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 Chain Reaction 
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Chain Reaction

See full instructions inside Chain Reaction arcade game.

Play Chain Reaction Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
24,456 Plays   2.4 (19 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: None this month
All-Time Highscore: 4,254

Recent play by JOJOANNEKE.


Comments about Chain Reaction:

Thats funny i scored 666 ^^darktomas

It's easy to get over 4k. Just use a no such thing. I've had scores over 100k, but I'm not desperate enough to submit them. Any idiot can cheat.Pennywise

4K! how the hell is that possible! damn ive played over 50 times so far and havent broken 500. . . .wow!SmokeyQuartz

i got a score of 4! beat that! lmao!!!SmokeyQuartz

Yippie !!! 4K +++ Click ... And walk Away !!!-White-Wolf-

Nice, New All time :) Play this every month,Thank's for the monthly comp it made me come back!-White-Wolf-

This game isnt that fun since it only relies on luckmanganaan

6th all-time! I didn't think I would get that high. Cool game I guess.Destroyer

Never been a fan of games of luck and this one takes the cake,ive seen it at other sites too,to get highscores people just sit on Chain Reaction all day long,i found the gold rings give the best average score.complete luck,click in the middle and hope!play for long enough and you will get a good score.not me,im moving on.DGG

This game seems totally random. Just chance if you get a good score.ohiopl8

Pure Luck! I choose the gold rings (gondor) and it doesn't matter where or when you start the chain reaction as it gives you whatever score it wants to...neeraffa

forget what i just said i went on the game straight after i wrot my last meesage and i manege to get 9th on the all time high score baord wicth is 1352 points .tatty

i dont know how neeraffa got over 2 and a half thousond points i am trying to get over 1,000 points all more but at the moment i cant see it being anyway possibal.tatty

I agree, surely, 100% luck... ... BUT .... how odd that the guy with the best score, unbeaten since June, in none other than Neeraffa, currently the "best" player on AB. . . . Does he know something we don't ? (Or is he just a `LUCKY` guy ? ? ?)Eagle_Kiwi

Definitely a game of luck rather than skill. I've tried all clicking in all different places at different times and I've tried all the different graphics sets to see if it makes a difference but as far as I can tell it's all just random luck.aussie557

it will take lllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooonnnn nnnnnnnggggggggggg for the game to stop if your score was19388643756734Arcademaster101

you know..yet again a game that is pretty much dumb luck...i have clicked on things a few different ways and always seem to get around the same score...i have no clue how ppl get 1000 or more on Chain ReactionKTWORLD

(ignore this Comment. testing, testing)Eagle_Kiwi

This is more a game of luck than skill.ICBM

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