| Jumpo
See full instructions inside Jumpo arcade game.
Play Jumpo Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 14,466 Plays   3.1 (19 Votes)
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Recent play by Bafusa.
Comments about Jumpo:
Try using firefox browser my score
submits just fine using that one. nowurmessingwith
Don't complete the game as you cannot
submit your score.... :/ neeraffa
@ LalinGouki if you figure it out please
share because I don't understand it
either had 3,411 died went back to 1,822
then got back to 2,488 and died and
ended up with a score of 1,092. Also the
points you gain are very odd too like
sometimes I went up 4 points per jump
sometimes 50 and others several 100 at a
time. Simple enough game but the points
gained and lost are screwy seems all
most random. rogbow
Fun game, but strange game (score),
because you have to find ways of how
works it to make each point in the final
score, it is difficult to understand.
because you lose a live and lose many
points, how works the score??? mmmm LalinGouki
Getting a really high score (well...high
for me) and then when I die, I lose
loads of points...so unfair, lol Julie
Fun game quite the challenge! dont see
why you lose points for dieing. DGG
why do u lose almost 1000points wen u
fall of????? doesnt make any sense mel2win
Its kinda boring :S . Not my cup of tea I_Dinamo
i've finished it but i could't submit
the scored (twice)!!! XIXO
you have to have patitions and good
reflexes for jumpo, but it still a good
game. bun
This game is not just about endurance --
it's also about speed and precision, so
you'll probably need to have the
reflexes of an F1 driver, lol... sevencube3