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See full instructions inside Snotput arcade game.

Play Snotput Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
22,494 Plays   3.5 (28 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: 2,261
All-Time Highscore: 2,929,191

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Recent play by akeo.


Comments about Snotput:

Is it posible to throw boogers 60,000 feetchampion

Snot a bad game ;)TashaDestroya

ok first of all, if that score is even possible then there has to be some sort of trick to reach that kinda score, i sling my mouse hard and fast, and i even found a trick myself but the only way to reach 100k is with this trick so far, and that is to bring the snot to the bottom of the screen right click and then sling ur mouse to the right, and that should give u between 80k and 100k after that i have no clue how someone could get that score without a glitch or somethingdrunkmoron

QUOTE: TIP: The important is that you must get the maximum distance for you can STRETCH (No in a circular motion) the snot, as far as you can STRETCH** Dont you mean ( just use zoom ), so you are getting 3 million by stretching? I'd love to see a video of someone getting 1 million let alone 3 playing in normal screen without zoom used.Here's my advice, ZOOM your internet page to 0 or 1% from 100%.fling fast from right to left ( yes right to left ) then release of the back wall.May sound weird, but i guarentee any score over 200k has used this trick/glitch! Good luck, like my advice? :)-White-Wolf-

good game, but come on, someone getting 6 million?! please, i barely even made twenty thousandSlimChance340

TIP: The important is that you must get the maximum distance for you can STRETCH (No in a circular motion) the snot, as far as you can STRETCH. [GMM.100123]ryu2009

Yeah,I agree with the last post,but at the same time I imagine that it must be really hard go filtering hundreds of games and deleting the scores that are not realistic at all,not to mention that some players are going to get madder than hell and are going to demand proof that their scores weren't obtained just by playing the game without cheats (even though some of them I'm willing to bet my house that were hacked,lol)MiguelNY

I wonder if Arcade Boss has ever considered going in and deleting some the BS All-Time Highscores like this on for Snotput at 639,241 ??? That way those of us who play without cheating could have a chanc at the all time high scores. 639,241?? Seriously??? I have been playing here for months and no one can even come close to that score becasue it's not a real score that is obtainable on here without some sort of help.jamjshoe

snooottty gdcontentloc

Ah , ah... , ahhh,... chooooooooo!Kahn

just cant stop throwing those boogerscontentloc

This game is hard as SNOT!!!!!! HEE HEEjohn9571

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