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 Super Mario Flash 
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Super Mario Flash

This is a sweet flash version of Super Mario Bros. that may be the best ever. It includes several worlds and even a level editor.

Play Super Mario Flash Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
2,049,917 Plays   4.4 (126 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: None this month
All-Time Highscore: 999,999,999,999.9999

Recent play by Nanaonly17.


Comments about Super Mario Flash:

I'm obsessed with Super Mario Flash. I LOVE IT!!!Anjellike1

to get high score = use the best strategy to get consecutive combos on editor [GMM-160201]LalinGouki

fun XD but i admit its rlly hard >:PGayGamer

did not like itminecraftmaster

I am beast at thisebutters

i'm going to keep playing until i beat Super Mario Flash.aelita66

i'll pass level 9 soon.aelita66

i couldn't pass level 9...i'll keep trying though until i beat Super Mario Flash.aelita66

Super Mario Flash is awesome but hard...i'll get used to it since i've been playing mario bros since i was 5 years old.aelita66

Lots of fun! I especially like the level editor! You can make it so hard, you can't EVER win! LOL!! FUN!!!!luv2lol

YOU made a great game but it is the speed of the character that bothers me in the game but other than that you did a great job on the game.yoshie

@ Stubyone, I personally wouldn't question that score, all tho my best is over 42 billion, could get 100 billion if I wanted. If you want to know how PM me and I will make you a video to show you how.-White-Wolf-

Almost 61 billion points!!! NFW....NOT WITHOUT CHEATING!!! Why don't you go after these people Lalin? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Gotta pick on me because I beat your score all to h*ll on that one game.Stubyone

..EPIC cheat for game was right btw...50 LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!domokunisepic

This was my high score of the month but last month my high score was 70,000 or a little bit more.amaciej17

This Game Is Ehh Ight But Im Gunna Try To Winn First Place :DCeci22

@ amaciej17, use the level creator, there a few creative ways to score fast. All to do with combos.-White-Wolf-

Ok here is a question for you people out there that play Super Mario Flash. How can you get like 5,000,000 pts in like 20 or 25 minutes? Someone that gets a lot of pts like that is hacking. So if you see a person getting 5,000,000 or more pts in 20 or 25 minutes you know that they're hacking. :) By: Amaciej17amaciej17

I rock!! you stink!! yours truly, Amaciej17amaciej17

This is like the funnest and awesomest game evea!amaciej17

It doesn't matter if you are bad at the game but at least try! Oh and Happy Thanksgiving to every1 :)amaciej17

I luv Super Mario Flash favorite game in the world and I rock at it sincerly, Angelaamaciej17

I rock and rule at Super Mario Flash! >_> lol!!!!!!!!!! But I do like Super Mario Flash and I think that I am the most awesomest person at Super Mario Flash! >_>amaciej17

Yay I got a pretty good score but someone hacked cause how can you get like 6,000,000 in ONE game? That is not even possible for Super Mario Flash.amaciej17

yay!! I am soo good!! sincerly, Angela Marie- amaciej17amaciej17

i love editing damngtfive

i love Super Mario Flashwillbubbe

best game ever besidses sonic smash bros.willbubbe

Super Mario Flash is realy hard but fun so if you like mario u will like Super Mario Flash.Julie

This game is wicked fun, and is a great replacement when missing classic Mario. I just miss my controller! Using the directional arrows makes it a little trickier to have precision (not that you had all that much in the classic Mario anyway! (LOL)Honeydipped

Super Mario Flash is greatbockus313

Game code works! Game is fun & hard.Gamelife2.0

I love how smooth the game play is. The sound is clear and the game is fun, i just REALLY suck at it! lolSmokeyQuartz

best game everMucksticky


tis cooolEmma

is there any other way to submit your score without dieingHboy

hold c+h go to the options menu and you have 50 lives and all levels cheat :D this is NOT fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Klyde Storm

I go sooooooooooo many pointsHboy

This Game is Easy fun for everyone! Make you own levels Any level you want and Music Underground tall Manton what ever you whatBenbenq

i came n 5th place hahahahahahahah hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa what its better than being n last placemaneebooh

This is an awesome gamemaneebooh

This is funKozer

I finaled on level 2, but not level 3.cool390

i used to play this AALLL THE TIME then my 64 broke. but now i can play it here (:XV3RB

i suck i cant get past lvl 2. :'(AllTheHannah

I love Super Mario Flash ! :) lol lol lol lol lol lol lolrebeca242355

nice gamesapu70

Best Mario flash yet! Playing this made me almost forget that I'm NOT playing on the SNES.shadowwolf1138

sweet flashdeathartic

Easier than the original Super Mario Bros.PropellerLuigi

I wish it had unlimeted livesmixmaster1997

This game is amazing!!!mixmaster1997

Cool spent more time playing getting better over one billion now :) maybe next time will give a run for all time :)DGG

Eu adoro este jogo, muuuuito bomm!!!!!!!!!!!!! e vicianteGiselle

The best mario game ive ever played right here! fantastic so much fun.played for 30 minutes got a nice score :) all time must have taken some work!DGG

i love how you can make your own game i made a level almost impossible but it was beatable and i loved it Super Mario Flash should get a 10/10taz775

Since I beat this whole game...I know that there is a secret code that will give you 50 if you wanna know?? ask meWhoCares

I love the game but I dont know how to get in 1st,2nd or 3rd place send me a new message and could you tell me how to get inn 1st,2nd or3rd place but I love to play Super Mario Flash and love to play any mario game that I find on arcadeboss but I love the game!sfdcstudent13

This game is a hrad mario makes super mario 64 seem like a baby gameGAMER10

i think every mario game is ok but sonics bettersoniciluvya

the 3rd level is hard but i love this game!im addicted to it!xoxochocolatelover

ok good game very hard but fun at the same time!revskid

On level 5 you can get by browser easy if your at least big and just run right through him to get to the other side... ya you'll get small but its like a second life and will get you past level 5...but once past level 5 brace yourself ...if u thought that was hard u aint seen nothin yet.... muwahahahahaWhoCares

veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery veryveryveryveryveryveryveryhardcheyx1x

This is a great game!!!Game Dude

this was a good gamesupermario600


I BET 95 % of the world play this mostly for the level editor.SonicXfacture

Super Mario Flash is ssoooooooooooooooo hardelephant

for level 5 you have to get to the other side of the bad guy. there is an axe and you have to get to itjaylabush

best damm game i eva played i hate the castle it is so hardelephant

hi my name is emily i love Super Mario Flash i am not a nerd freak i just like playing on the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!elephant

What are you sapossed to do when you get to the end of level 5? With the bozer guy? are you sapossed to stand there and like, jump over the flames or run under him when he jumps er what ?? It confuses me >.< if you know, PLEASE TELL ME. comment or something. I NEED TO KNOW!Sammii_x

Is there anyway to make the game silent ? Without muteing my computer sound, because im trying to listen to music and i cant with the mario music playing -_- so is there anyway i can mute the GAME sound ?Sammii_x

Ayy!! I Like This Game!!!naynaytigers_2009

nice game i like itxoxochocolatelover

damn, i didn't even get past the first level!mrdemonictaco

Super Mario Flashs sucks popsicle poopie i cant win for nothing asholesdiva101

Best Mario game I have ever played. So Awesome! 5 stars. But Bowser Castle is hard and i always die on it. Bowser himself is hard to. I wonder if I will ever beat Bowser's Castle.Bowserfire

Super Mario Flash is Awsome but HARDcoolian24

i beat the whole game .but it's very HARD.coolian24

i need a mario game master i need a mster that could never Super Mario Flash ever so i will pick my choice if you want to be my master of Super Mario Flash so if you want to be my master try to call:555-0100 thank you dont be hard on me before i punch youzacharyfirelion23

this is your boy streetbrawler speaking. super mario flash is so awesomw that it makes me wanna play forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. if you play this game you wil be up in it like you is is watching your favorite television show in your house. but what can i say its better than ever. you need to try this game. it is very wicked dude. for more information, please play the game at see ya'll later.street brawler

Super Mario Flash is hard when you get to the boss....i ddnt even get to c him.....that sucks. i wish i could be as good as other players. i got a pretty good score tho, i am 5th place.gamerkid

I got the mounthly highscore!!!!rainforever

cool game dudethejack13556

Its Just Like The Orginal Just Better :ODfuzz1987

I love Super Mario Flash. It hard but fun and I can stop playing........twizer

Super Mario Flash is quit hard but still very entertaining, its one Of favorites!ReveR2009

Super Mario Flash is sisnch!!!!!!its the best mario game i've ever played!!! thanks for puting Super Mario Flash on arcade boss!tracy

hello this is the champ karina and janiyah we the best and non of yall hoes can beat usjaniiyah1998

This is 1 of the best games i have eva playeddoggy62

It is one of the best games i have played on this site. It is sooooo Cooldoggy62

there is a bug.everytime i finish the first level,it freezes.athomas2

This game rocks.logan2345

its hard but funclutz007

thanks for the tip wer-hogsonicman


Your Monthly Best: 3,347,655,750 Your All-Time Best: 3,347,655,750 Monthly Highscore: 3,347,655,750 hard but fun great game mastered itcatatonicka

fun game2karcadeboss

hey Super Mario Flash is awesome this is off the chain and i like this and this the only type of game i like in the world good job and sonic he my dude too but luigiguichybandana

why the hell doesnt it save after every castle?? grrrrrdarkangel20

Super Mario Flash is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!deerhino900

cooool i love it!?tails the fox


HI I JUST WANNA SAY I LUV MATT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!underpants

u sed it but of the hook :) finaly rain ingsonicman


I made a level with A lot of coins its called COIN FEST.There was nothing that could kill.Did you know?:You can jump over the flag pole.theguyspark0

:up:I GIVE IT TWO THUMPS UP:up:kimmyann123

This game is very fun. I also enjoy the level editor, it is fun to make difficult levels to test myself with.EverKnight

I noticed a glitch lol... when you kill bowser with invincible, a random goomba flies up in the air its so funny lmfaokoooldude198

Very nice!!!! 12/10 GOOD GAME!! completely awesome very nice :Pkoooldude198

I just love the Old Fashion Games. Though i got a low score i love this game.burgermaniac

THIS GAME IS SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL BUT I CAN ONLY GET UP 2 LVL 5 I SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!underpants

Super Mario Flash is so hard and boring i cant finish the first level and why cant it save at every castle it is so stupidkilla2143

fuick i lost & Super Mario Flash iz so krappy! >:(XXSweet_As_Sour_CandyXX

Super Mario Flash rocks u should play ittilleroo77


o yea i like mariored308

stupid gameChinere

This game is awesomeBriar Robertson

That GAme Is Dope A.K.A FunSumBoutHIsSwagg

Super Mario Flash is awesome and cool.spcnz

i love Super Mario Flash!!!!!!!!super mario

love Super Mario Flash love itsuper mario

Super Mario Flash is so awesome, the mushrooms are cool!super mario

i love Super Mario Flash and it is so cool, the mushrooms are coolsuper mario

Super Mario Flash is so awesome i love Super Mario Flashsuper mario

i suck at this zzzmarquis

ohyeai got new high score try to beat it its hardcoolkevin

haha koopas castle is a jooookedylan marshburn

This game is awesome but could you put the original mario on this site I would thank you a lot:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mario64

i know right Super Mario Flash is very funmy swag

If I don't get past Koopa's castle soon I will go insane!nicole09

I can't get past the big's driving me nut's!nicole09

mario games are fundaniel979

yea im def. the best mario flash player in these partsdylan marshburn


some say im the best there is. that 30 billion hiscore is mine bet it will never be beat!!!!!!dylan marshburn

cheat: hold down C and H on your keyboard and hit options it will give you 50 lives and unlock all of the levels somebody told me this be cause (he or she) beat the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wer-hog

i love comets read this coment this asame if i were a rateor or a critic i would rate it 10jeffreyup

Its too hard!!!! i can't even pass level 3 and no i don't suck i can beat the original like a thousand times but not this its hard >.<AmuletDiana

when your in the mushroom house go past Toad he will say: what are you doing punk!!wer-hog

i finally beat dis hard ass *****... i got da cheats for 50 extra lives and unlock all levals... hold da c and h key and click on option at the menu...baybaycollins

love Super Mario Flash but its soooooo hardgeorgiapeach87165

This game is my favorite game EVER!!! Even though I can't get past the 2nd level. Could anyone please give me some tips??? So the main point is....THIS GAME ROCKS THE PARTY!!!!!:)Arcade Boss

Super Mario Flash is off the hook but i still cant beat the second levelgolddragon king


YESSSSSSS! I got to level 5! XDsweet_as_sour_candyX_X

God, I can't even get past level 3!! D:< It's sooo annoying! D:<sweet_as_sour_candyX_X

Super Mario Flash is the best i found a seacrt passig way it in the beeging go down the pipe next to the pipe that has a biteing flower in it and press down and there you go and this is the best game but kind hard i can't get passed level two level two!coolkevin


the best game on here!michael01234

i like making levelsHboy

i looooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee Super Mario Flash ...even though i beat it a million times i cant stop playing ittiphani

my favourite gamethepure12

I hate this dumb game I dye all the time.How the heck am I supose to get past the dragon on level five it is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so stupid,dumb and hardhannah7671

Totally addicting! I love it!izzym12

Super mario is sooooooooooooo fun.the highest level I got to was level 5 but I'm telling you it is soooooooooo hard.I wonder what the highest level is.hannah7671

Why cant it save where u died at, or at least after every castle... I finally beat the first castle with 1 life left then died on level 6 -.- and how the hell does someone get 2billion+ pts in 28 minutes o.oryankao1

MOST AWSOME GAME EVA!!!andyfiremanforever

I have no lifezachhhhhhh

Super Mario Flash rocksdillone

u said it but its funderek88

Super Mario Flash is freakenhardgamefreak

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