| BMX Pro Style
Perform pro bike tricks
Play BMX Pro Style Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 38,295 Plays   2.5 (10 Votes)
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Recent play by Bafusa.
Comments about BMX Pro Style:
anyone know what the hell the lighting
rod is suppose to do or what it's used
for. been playing this for so long i
still haven't figured it out.......... Lonny
Worst BMX game I have ever played.
Sorry, 1/5. Avelocity88
It's a good game but the bike goes a
little bit to slow and it would be
better if you could jump in the Game. I
give it a 3/5. Esezoz
Worst bmx game ive ever played,bad
controls and its like playing in slow
motion and both tracks are not fun to
play you have to play slow as theres no
jump! really weird you would think you
could jump!!! DGG
why is your name bun?are u talking about
your bbuunnss?if you are your naste Lilybug
The games very Addicting And Fun the,
the control are somewhat a bit hard to
understund. BMX Pro Style is fun, I
guess you have to have some what a past
in BMXing to really understand it. Any
one Remember the movie RAD 8-) Lonny
That was bike motocross PROFESSIONAL
style! ;) garyoak99
this is so easy look 1st
!!!!!!!!!! bun