| Uphill Rush
Choose from bike, truck, quad or skateboard
Play Uphill Rush Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 428,337 Plays    3.9 (37 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by Aziiiz57.
Comments about Uphill Rush:
cool game kingdom hearts wolf
That's intersting ytefh
awsome game i got monthly hiscore this
month so far Mr.SwagMaster
boringest game ever!! how do u wierdos
like playing this crap avery43070
wh00t teh effff ... cant handle this rotateh
im the best at thisss arcademan
this is awesome! im first place! revskid
normal mode is very hard revskid
this is a great game revskid
!!!that was really fun to me @!!! MIZZPEACHES
Uphill Rush
sssssss DeathStopper
this is a very fun game kenna101
sorry guys my sister can get a littel
braggy she is good but younger twins can
be a pain. moving up
Uphill Rush is not a good game to me Zachattack101
this is a very cool game and on high the
graphics are good to ok all time I am
7th going for 6th or 5th and someday 1st
I have beat most of you and I'm a
girl.sorry moving up
Easy game to play. Only tricks you can
do are back and front flips. UR another
great game added by arcadeboss.com Lonny
that woz ***** it doesnt even have
tricks la4043
Up Hill Rush is SO
cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fenuss Phoenix
I got the third place in Uphill Rush beat
that but know I got the 20th place. anvera0200
great game
! anvera0200
Uphill Rush is difficult but fun soccer
my high score got 10th place :( :) mariofan88
awesome game but very hard i tried so
many times but still cant break the
highscore .it is a very nice game that i
can say Hasnain
awesome game but very hard Hasnain
this is a very nice game although the
graphics are not that good but it is
ooooooooooollllllllllllllllllll. Hasnain