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 Desktop Tower Defense 1.5 
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Desktop Tower Defense 1.5

Beware the creeps again in version 1.5 of this classic defense game.

Play Desktop Tower Defense 1.5 Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
235,128 Plays   4.6 (24 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: None this month
All-Time Highscore: 17,950

Recent play by Jazzhead27.


Comments about Desktop Tower Defense 1.5:

still a good one!hawky

zooks527 & bond00075 try this link - 6_s. It was created by "Pegleg1111". He/she scored a perfect 18,600. I tried their setup but I can't get my computer (or me) to move as quickly as seen in this video. At level 77 where everything is sent...that's way beyond my skill level. However if you try one level at a time (using this set up) you just might achieve a higher score than usual.Jazzhead27

Addictive as Hell. Just wish towers would target lead creep.bond00075

Great game. Highly addictive and lots of fun. Love the sound fx. Almost makes me feel guilty about killing the creeps!! Yippee!!Tookie

highly addictive, luv it.DDT-D

Im so happy to have beaten Desktop Tower Defense 1.5, The hardest part ( the 100 challenge) Very very hard game to beat. Managed to pass 98 air + 99 Boss air, Then sell all air tower's and power up ground. Last level's ground creep's health is insanely high. What a Challenge all right 5* defense game.-White-Wolf-

You gotta have the Skill'Z to pay the Bill'Z on Desktop Tower Defense 1.5! Happy to get over 14,000. Missed by one life on Level 99, Wave 98 AND 99 are Air Level's, but i pressed next to bring on 100 so technically i was on level 100 ( Play Challenge Mode - The 100 ) For the best challenge and possible score. The challenge really is to PASS Air level 91 and keep controll of the ground troop's leading up to 98-99 Air, I needed one more life to do it ... After 99 sell ALL air tower's and put land tower's down to kill off the rest. This is a real fast paced game at the top end. At least they fixed the few flaw's from the first version. 5*'s Enjoyable, Hard. Gr8!!-White-Wolf-

A classic - i'm just trying different set-ups to get a really good score but no luck yet!neeraffa

great game but very hard to master.if there was a button to send next wave it would b a lot easierDERAILED

You took the words straight out of my mouth except the lack of an apostrophe. ;)garyoak99

such a addictive game , cant get the hang of it.potfest

Desktop Tower Defense
Desktop Tower Defense

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