| Avatar Arena
See full instructions inside Avatar Arena arcade game.
Play Avatar Arena Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 51,501 Plays    3.7 (10 Votes)
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Recent play by bidc.
Comments about Avatar Arena:
I like the theme song of the start game
very much and Avatar Arena is the one of
the best games , that`s my opinion :D. Jay.Zmash
fun game once you get the hang of it as
white wolf says you can submit once you
defeat the last one just don't hit space
after you defeat him make sure and click
submit. If you hit space after defeating
the last one you can not submit score. rogbow
weaklings frenchfingler
@ Sleep_Hurts, I saw your review on the
forum page, In response ... Yes you can
complete the last level, I've finished
Avatar Arena several time's, Straght after
the last level it give's you the option
to send your score or restart. Hope that
help's. -White-Wolf-
Do you need to send your score before
you win the last fighter? My score isn't
showing up =/ Sleep_Hurts
This game is SO boring! Just keep
tapping the spacebar to win (yawn) neeraffa
if you played super smash bros brawl and
did button mashing with his blaster you
will do a hole bunch of damege with a
water bender coolkevin
That game waz like sooo easy! i play it
all the time in nick.com!I actually won
4th place!Although #9 was really hard i
beat him but i got tired of the game
after fighting him MileyJC6
hey this is my second time playing
avatar my favorite is air bender Fenuss Phoenix
it is and still is an awesome game to
play but challenging! crazyman
it was very good feeling prateek1001
Now I remember why I like Avatar flash
games so much! ;) garyoak99