| Commander Keen
See full instructions inside Commander Keen arcade game.
Play Commander Keen Free Online at Arcade Boss Games. |
| 72,867 Plays    4.1 (11 Votes)
Monthly Highscore:
None this month
All-Time Highscore:
Recent play by vampirefanize.
Comments about Commander Keen:
why is my all-time high score not
showing -_- vampirefanize
i almost beat the highscore and i
refreshed so my score wasnt saved :( nicola321
sorry then vampirefanize just coz you
got top scores. commander keen is easy.
VAIN bloodyidiot
cool game, takes forever to load
sometimes ...like NOW bloodyidiot
Commander Keen is easy vampirefanize
best game ever vampirefanize
YOu should make commander keen flash but
eposide 2 insted! spcnz
Fun game made lv 8, recommended by
Destroyer.yes great game i agree with
him.will be back for more.the level's
get massive! DGG
One thing about the controls, if you
manage to get the pogo stick, use the
shift button to use it. nitestalker
I played Commander Keen last year in my old
class when i was 8 and 7 years
old!!!!!!!!!!!! spcnz
Great old classic (used to love this,
and Duke Nukem, back in the 80s). But
hard to control, as plays considerably
faster (on Vista laptop) than originally
planned for. Eagle_Kiwi