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Use your mouse to play this remake of Arkanoid which is faster-paced than the original Classic Arkanoid video game.

Play Arkanoid Free Online at Arcade Boss Games.
72,335 Plays   3.3 (51 Votes)

Monthly Highscore: 30,550
All-Time Highscore: 2,229,094,600

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Recent play by DonnaJackson.


Comments about Arkanoid:

If the programmer had coded it like the original, Arkanoid Flash could have been an amazing game. As it stands though, two things let Arkanoid down: 1) It is much too fast to be an enjoyable challenge. You're lucky if you can hit the ball half a dozen times in a row! 2) When you find the glitch in Arkanoid, you will see how easy it is to score 100 million without doing anything, which makes the game somewhat pointless. :-(msidoh

the pointer gets in the way...badly designedrtkiii

Sorry. But in my opinion it is way toooooooooo fastKunmingDirk

A very fun challenging game. Just the way I like that.RachelMV

I just beat my own all time high score which I held for over 120 days - everything went perfect - I honestly don't think it is possible to beat this score so I wont ever get over 1 billion again let alone try to beat my 2.22 billion - NO ONE CAN BEAT THAT.Cliffordrrrr

lol! i love you guys! hahaha go cliff!SmokeyQuartz

I remember Arkanoid! Now, if I could just find that little magic spot again...Mamoo

I'm sorry cliffordr, your score was so fantastic I just had to better it - It took me 113 days but I did it. To the victor go the spoils and I accept them. The spoils are - that I will go to my grave knowing (or believe) that I have made a score that cant be beaten.Cliffordrrrr


this arkanoid version moves WAY too fast! its super annoying and the mouse isnt invisible. . . . its right in your line of vision. GRRRR I will stick to arkanoid classic!SmokeyQuartz

there are no more mountains to climb, or seas to sail or rivers to cross - I have done all these things and more by getting over 1 billion in arkanoid - it must be the highest score ever in any game ---ten digit number ----WOWCliffordR

People have swum the English Channel, Climbed Mount Everest, Men have landed on the Moon. Men have even walked the Nullabor Plain in the hieght of summer, But all these feets pale into insignificense when pitted against my getting 390 million in Arkanoid. I have more than trippled the score of 110 million: which was the latest all time recorded, incedently gotten by me - I once held the all time record of 109 million which I held for 94 days - I expect 390 million will last forever, I may even make the history books.CliffordR

I had the highest score for 94 days and now I am back to start again - it is a shame my score of over a billion was not able to be recorded but I will keep trying to record it next time I get it.CliffordR

This is the 3rd time this month I have got over 100 million. I think a billion is out of the question - The game seems to give up at about 100 million - But I'm sure I will have another go at it soon. I dont know if I will even be able to beat my highest score ever which is 109 million plus.CliffordR

I was trying once again to get to one billion (again) seeing how I was robbed last time and my score of one billion was not able to be recorded but I will keep tryingCliffordR

I was robbed - I actually was way over one billion - probably the first player to ever get over a Billion - but I decided to stop it before my putter blew up and the only way to get out of the game I was on - was to get out of the game completely and in doing so there is no record of my fantastic unbeatable score. I guess I will have to settle for the all time best score of 109 million a record I have held for 85 days and hopefully a lot more .CliffordR

gosh a new all time high score -- my best highest score before this was 77.000 plus - and I had to work like a trojan to get that - however on this occassion I got into a situation where the ball was going up to the corner and hitting the bat, back to the corner, to bat etc. and I sat here picking my nose and scratching my rear end as the speed got faster and faster. I even got up to a speed of 84 and the beauty of it is I wasn't really doing anything.. I apologise but I suspect whoever had the all time highest score before me found themselve in a simular situation- I was just surprised my computer never blew up.CliffordR

Arkanoid is very frustrating and it is one game you need to perservere at - I cant understand why I am the only one playing the game in the first 6 days of this month - Well at least if I am the only one playing I am assured of highest score of the monthCliffordR

i meant 3rd levelVidus

Arkanoid is buggy it gets stuck on second level i quit it out after it got to like 10 mil. it just kept bouncing on the blocks i just sat there waiting. i try it again :(Vidus

wow way too fast for me late at nite lol \roseanne01


wow fast lol. anyone know which button you use for the laser?? we must be able to shoot the bricks too like on the original game especially since there is a special that is a laser ... ..??>anyone??roseanne01

wow just cant get past the first level lol way too fast for my eyes lol..roseanne01

YEs i was wondering the same thing if there was another level we can start at.. or hey,.. can you slow down the game for the tournament? is there a way to do it . thxroseanne01

wow on my cell phone Arkanoid isnt this fast lol. Lol wowroseanne01

Arkanoid is awsome but way to fast :D i loved it tho good luck to everyone who entered into it for the tournement!eyezofadevil

ya nice gamepokey4ed2

The speed of Arkanoid is extremely fast. Got to have good hand and eye coordination in order to play.lockphilip

Arkanoid is awsome :DSpikeXEpidemic

This is a really fun game that gets very addictive if you play one game of itkilla2143

This game was way to fast and crazy, plus are there any more power ups for Arkanoid, i mean, Arkanoid is too fast for to get power-ups.Legoman55

good game....reminds me of the old atari game and also breakout with the paddles!!! watch out when you get to level 3 really gets goingKTWORLD

There are only four levels so there isn't much point in requesting to start at the same level you were on! :rolleyes:garyoak99

I like it but I think sometimes it goes right through the paddle. Also I hate the capsules that fall all the time. They are more a nuisance than help.marcman88

is there anyway we can start at the same level we left off atchesteram

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